Monday, July 27, 2020

Happy Pi Day!!!

Happy Pi Day!!! 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 How many digits do you know? More to come later today about how MIT celebrates Pi Day. How do you celebrate Pi Day? Update (PI/2007 5:35 PM) So this year, the Undergraduate Math Association sponsored a Pi Day Celebration of sorts. This was the email I received advertising the event. This Wednesday, 3/14 at 5pm in room 2-102, the UMA is celebrating our favorite constant in style with the following events: Pie baking contest Pi recitation Pi history Pie eating contest Pi or not contest Theres also free pie for everyone! And, you can pick up a coveted UMA Pi Day T-shirt. See you there! Tonight, Eta Kappa Nu (a course 6 Honors Society) will be hosting an additional event. Q: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter? A: Pumpkin pi. Dont forget to celebrate Pi Day (3/14) TODAY! Stop by the Student Center 5th Floor lounge at 8pm for free punch and pie! HKN Social Committee A few pictures and videos from the event: And a video (Disclaimer: Its big) And since Im such a fan of Pi apparently, I made a few news appearances for Pi Day: Associated Press ABC News Ciao!