Saturday, January 25, 2020

Examining Qualitative and Quantitative studies with CASP

Examining Qualitative and Quantitative studies with CASP Critical Appraisal Skills Programme/CASP (Public Health Resource Unit, 2007) a reader should equip with in order to make sense of scientific research. The CASP is to help a reader develops critical skills so as to be sensitive of scientific research and, therefore, to think reasonably about any research encountered (Public Health Resource Unit, 2007). Both quantitative and qualitative researches can be appraised by using the CASP. Each of the CASP guidelines has ten questions in which validity, relevance and results of appraised research have been covered. This assignment has been divided into two parts. The first part quantitative paper written by Ho et al, (2006) will be appraised. The second part qualitative paper written by Liu and Liehr (2009) will then be appraised. All findings will be summarized finally. 1. Did the study ask a clearly focused question? PICOT is used for answering the question 1 and it is a framework that healthcare professionals can use to formulate effective clinical questions in a step-by-step manner (Melnyk Fineout-Overholt, 2010). The population of the study was all the subjects should have one tattoo at least. 120 Chinese subjects with 144 tattoos were recruited for the study. The intervention of the study was half of the subjects were applied Contractubex gel while others were applied nothing. The purpose to do so was to check the efficacy of the gel. The comparison of the study was study and control groups are used for comparison as a result of finding out the efficacy of Contractubex gel. The outcome of the study was the gel should be effective in preventing scarring after the subjects receiving laser removal of tattoos. The research has shown that the number of subjects in Contractubex group with scarring were significantly lower than in control group. The time of the study was the treated areas were asse ssed 3 months after the last treatments. In short, the research has asked a clearly focused question- Use of onion extract, heparin, allantoin gel in prevention of scarring in Chinese patients having laser removal of tattoos: a prospective randomized controlled trial. So the answer is Yes. 2. Was this a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and was it appropriately so? A type of scientific experiment most commonly used in validating the effectiveness of health issue, say, pharmaceuticals (e.g. gel), can be regarded as RCT (Gallin Ognibene, 2007). It involves the random allocation of different interventions to the subjects. Furthermore, as long as the numbers of subjects are adequate, randomization is an effective method to produce a random and unpredictable sequence of allocations. Regarding to the Ho et al (2006) research, they must adopt RCT. Two evidences can be shown to support my stance. First, it was testing the efficacy of Contractubex gel intervention (health issue) provided by doctors to subjects with tattoo. Second, the 120 subjects were randomly assigned to either Contractubex or Control group at equal probabilities. In suitability, it was the right research approach for the researched question because it was going to compare result after receiving Contractubex gel with a control group. In short, RCT is the appropriate method and correc t approach to conduct this research, as there were two groups that were allocated randomly, the study group received intervention and the control group did not receive intervention and the answer is Yes. 3. Were participants appropriately allocated to intervention and control groups? The answer is Yes. Answer of question 2 has mentioned that the 120 subjects were allocated into the two groups randomly. In research term, complete randomization has been adopted. Complete randomization means each tattooed subject was randomly assigned to either of the groups. It is simple and optimal in the sense of validity to prevent accidental bias (Gallin Ognibene, 2007). In randomization procedure, the researchers adopted fifty-fifty basis allocation (60 subjects in Contractubex group and 60 subjects in Control group). In this research stratification can be observed. Stratification means developing strata for sampling (Gallin Ognibene, 2007). 60 subjects in control group and 60 subjects in study group is a typical example of stratification. The purpose to do so is that since most statistical tests, say, the paired students t test are most reliable when the groups being compared have equal subjects (Gallin Ognibene, 2007), it is desirable for the randomization procedure to ge nerate similarly-sized groups. In short, as all participants were assigned to Contractubex and Control groups appropriately. 4. Were participants, staff and study personnel blind to participants study group? The above parties understood the details of the research. Ho et al (2006) paper mentioned that informed consent was obtained from all subjects. Informed consent is a process of communication between a subject and doctor that results in the subjects authorization or agreement to undergo a specific medical intervention (Berg et al, 2001). On the one hand, blinded research can avoid bias. However, it is impossible for some treatments. For example, treatments where active participation of the subjects are necessary (e.g. regularly receiving laser therapy with the application of the gel). In research personnel, certainly they understood the details of the research, for instance, employing Q-switched laser systems as well as its spot size and repeat rate and pulse duration. They were unable to perform the research successfully otherwise. Nonetheless, whether the control group received placebo gel and the assessor of the scars knew the research details or not did not mention. In brief, open trial (the above parties understood the details of the treatment) instead of blind trial was employed and the answer seems No. 5. Were all of the participants who entered the trial accounted for at its conclusion? Originally, there were 60 subjects in the control group and 60 subjects in the study group. However, there were 8 out of 60 subjects in the study group quitted the research. 5 out of 8 simply defaulted follow-up and 3 out of 8 stopped using the gel due to adverse effect. In the control group, there were 5 out of 60 subjects quitted the research. 4 out of 8 simply did not follow-up and 1 out of 8 stopped using the gel due to have a baby. Although, there were a few subjects quitting from the research due to personal affairs, the groups size still remained similar (52 in Contractubex and 55 in Control groups) and the researchers have already reported such discrepancy. In other words, intention to treat was used as it is a strategy for the analysis of RCT that compares subjects in the groups to which they were originally randomly assigned (Gallin Ognibene, 2007) and the answer is Yes. 6. Were the participants in all groups followed up and data collected in the same way? In the former, the subjects were followed up from 13 to 20 months with a mean of 15.5 + 2.6 months. The importance of the follow up was to review the probability of scar formation after applying the gel. Likely, the research personnel followed up the subjects after the last laser treatment. However, the same amount of attention to the subjects from the research personnel becomes questionable because the researchers did not describe how to review the subjects. More elaborately, how much time the researchers spend on each subject for review? In addition, performance bias may occur. For instance, if research personnel know which group subjects are in, they may treat subjects differently (Gallin Ognibene, 2007). In this aspect, cant tell seems appropriate. In the latter, Yes in terms of data collection in the same way, the researchers should collect the data during clinical observation. Clinical observation is the research personnel directly observe any changes during the study period a nd then record the changes. Data analysis can be done by using statistical software (e.g. SAS). In short, the answers were Yes in the way of data collection only. The amount of attention to the subjects needs the research personnel further clarification otherwise performance bias may be suspected. 7. Did the study have enough participants to minimize the play of chance? The meaning of the play of chance can be explained by the following example, taking a comparison of the Contractubex group with the control group in which 4 subjects scar formation with the Contractubex group and 6 subjects scar formation with the control group. It would be incorrect to conclude that the Contractubex group was better than the Control group. It is because if the comparison was repeated, the numbers of subjects who formed scar might be same (5 against 5). However, 7 subjects scar formation with the gel and 16 subjects without the gel, chance becomes a less likely explanation for the difference. In Ho et al (2006) study, numbers of subjects were enough to lessen the play of chance. Sample size can be determined by a formula by inputting population size and confidence level as well as margin of error and response distribution. On the one hand, significant difference between the two groups was observed. Power calculation can facilitate the research personnel determines ho w large of a sample the research personnel needs to make precise statistical conclusions (Gallin Ognibene, 2007). Therefore, statistical significance was the robust evidence to prove the play of chance impossible. 8. How are the results presented and what is the main result and 9. How precise are these results? Comparison of the intervention and control groups using the p-value has been presented. The main finding was that the application of the gel was useful to prevent scar formation after laser removal of tattoos. In accuracy of the results, p-value 10. Were all important outcomes considered so the results can be applied? The research proved that the gel was effective, safe, and easy to apply in the prevention of scarring in Chinese subjects having laser removal of tattoos. Nonetheless, 100% scar removal is not guaranteed after using the gel. The results revealed that there were a few subjects who still have scarring. In addition, permanent hypopigmentation and transient hyperpigmentation can be noted. On the other hand, you may argue that the results may be affected by a political factor, that is a pressure from the pharmaceutical company, Ho et al (2006) have indicated that no significant interest with commercial supporters at the beginning of the research. In short, the research provides a reliable reference to healthcare professionals that the gel is recommended to be used in dark skin patients receiving laser treatments of tattoos. Ten questions have been answered to help me make sense of quantitative research. Also, ten questions are used to help me make sense of qualitative research. Qualitative research is a generic term for investigative methodologies described as ethnographic, naturalistic, field, or participant observer research. It underscores the importance of looking at variables in the natural setting in which they are found (Sliverman, 2004). 1. Was there a clear statement of the aims of the research? Qualitative PICOT is a framework that healthcare professionals can use to formulate effective clinical questions in a step-by-step manner (Melnyk Fineout-Overholt, 2010).The population of the study was the six nurses who had experiences in taking care of SARS patients. The issue of the study was identifying instructive messages to guide nursing practice in future epidemics by in-depth interview of the six Chinese nurses who cared for SARS patients. The context of the study was where the study takes place. The research mainly takes place in Beijing. The outcome of the study was the research gave specific direction to enhance potential for a well-prepared nursing workforce in future epidemics. The time of the study was the SARS outbreaks between 11/2002-5/2004 and data were collected in 2003 within the three months following the nurses quarantine necessitated by caring for SARS patients.. In brief, the answer is Yes. 2. Is a qualitative methodology appropriate? Qualitative research is to study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. It is intended to penetrate to the deeper significance that the subject of the research ascribes to the topic being researched (Denzin, 2005). Interviews, observations and case studies are commonly used for data collection and then analyse the data. Samples are usually small and are often selected purposively. Qualitative research uses detailed descriptions from the participants as ways of examining specific issues under study. The research method employed by the researchers was appropriate because the following criteria were matched- detailed description instead of statistical software were used and number of participants was quite small- only six. In addition, the researchers adopted phenomenology. The phenomenological approach is to describe accurately a persons lived experience in relation to what is being studie d (i.e. the six Chinese nurses caring for SARS patients) (Denzin Lincoln, 2005). In short, the answer is Yes. 3. Was the research design appropriate to address the aims of the research? Appropriate method (i.e. in-depth interview) for conducting the research was used. In-depth interview is a kind of qualitative research technique that involves conducting intensive individual interviews (i.e. the six nurses) with a small number of respondents to explore their views on a particular idea (i.e. sharing in caring SARS patients). In the study, the researchers asked participants about their experiences and insights regarding to the caring for SARS patients, the thoughts they have concerning nursing care, challenge, and outcomes as well as about any changes the participants perceive in themselves as a result of their involvement in the study (Denzin Lincoln, 2005). In addition, rich contextual information can be obtained and the research personnel can ask the six nurses to elaborate their sharing in details through the in-depth interview. So the answer is Yes 4. Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to the aims of the research? Six nurses were invited to share their experiences in caring for SARS patients. The six nurses were no objections and voluntary to share their encounter after enquired by research personnel. In other words, a reader should not suspect their willingness of participation. The recruitment strategy was appropriate, because if reward-based (e.g. bonus to interviewees) and compulsory-based recruitment were offered to potential interviewees, the accuracy and reliability of data should be suspected. To achieve the aims of the research, nurses were voluntary to share their stories and they provided detailed descriptions with little prompting were important to the aims of the research. In other words, it starts with a purpose in mind and the sample is selected to include interested party (i.e. nurses with experience in caring of SARS patients) and exclude those who do not suit the purpose and purposive sampling was used (Denzin Lincoln, 2005). So the answer is Yes. 5. Were the data collected in a way that addressed the research issue? To collect data, a storypath approach was used. Research personnel recorded what the six nurses presented by a tape recorder. Seven inquiry phases were associated with storypath approach, including gathering the story, reconstructing the story, connecting it to the literature, naming the complicating challenge, describing the story plot, identifying movement toward resolving, and gathering additional stories (Denzin Lincoln, 2005). In application, specific questions were asked by the research personnel, for instance, challenge the nurses were facing during caring for SARS victims, how the experience influence your hopes and dreams in the coming future. The data collection methods must observe the ethical principles of research. In short, the answer is Yes. 6. Has the relationship between researcher and participants been adequately considered? This research paper mentioned that the stories of the six nurses were collected by two Chinese investigators, It was hard to say that any potential bias and influence occurred because the research personnel simply mentioned that they were responsible for gathering the stories from the participants and supporting activities, say, properly use of tape recording. Apparently, the relationship between the research personnel and participants were nothing, but participants may be influenced by the research team or in professional term- reflexivity. Reflexivity requires an awareness of the researchers contribution to the construction of meanings throughout the research process, and an acknowledgment of the impossibility of remaining outside of the six nurses while conducting research. In short, the answer of this question is Yes. 7. Have ethical issues been taken into consideration? Oral consent is a kind of ethical issue. Kozier et al, 2004 define the consent is an essential part of the research process, and as such entails more than obtaining a signature on a form (Kozier et al, 2004). Research personnel must educate potential subjects to ensure that they can reach a real informed choice about whether or not to participate in the research. Consent must be given freely and with no coercion as well as based on a clear understanding of what participation involves. On the one hand, the above study has been approved by the Universitys ethics committee. The committee is responsible for reviewing, on request, ethical or moral questions that may come up during the study. In brief, the answer is Yes. 8. Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous? In-depth description of the analysis process was shown in Liu Liehr (2009) paper. The authors described every phase elaborately and in step-by-step pattern. There were total 5 phases of the content analysis for the nurses caring for SARS patients. The content shared by the six nurses was similar because of geographical reason and the consistent format of the interview. Such arrangement provided convincing analysis to a reader. In fact, thematic analysis was employed by the researchers. It means focuses on identifiable themes (i.e. sharing of nursing care of SARS patients) and data is analysed by theme. This type of analysis is highly inductive, that is, the themes emerge from the data and are not imposed upon it by the research personnel (Denzin Lincoln, 2005). In short, the answer is Yes. 9. Is there a clear statement of findings? It is crystal clear that there were three core qualities (personal challenge, essence of care and self-growth) the researchers found. Each quality was described in-details with concrete example of the original words from the six nurses. In addition, instructive messages for guidance during future epidemics were also provided. The findings were highly related to the research question. In brief, a clear statement of the findings was clear and evidences were provided to support each quality the answer is Yes. 10. How valuable is the research? The researchers discovered three core qualities and instructive messages regarding to SARS patients caring. Such discovery greatly increases preparedness by attending the messages including structured support, disease/protection-related information systems and the power of military spirit. Maybe the above components can be further researched so as to obtain greater improvements. In addition to enhance preparedness and identify new areas where researches are necessary, the findings are universal applicable. Healthcare frontline staff may face the problems when caring for SARS patients, say, lack of resources. Clinical leader may find the importance of structured support and collaborative spirit to relieve the staff pressure. In short, the value of this research is valuable. Conclusion To sum up, the CASP guidelines can appraise both quantitative and qualitative researches. The guidelines include ten questions in which provide comprehensive evaluation of the above studies. The guidelines are particular useful in appraising health and social researches. Furthermore, the CASP guidelines aim to enable readers to develop the skills to find out and make sense of research evidence, helping them to put knowledge into practice. (Word count: 3212)

Friday, January 17, 2020

Music Is a Kind of Mathematics

â€Å"Music is a kind of Mathematics†. â€Å"Mathematics are a measure of beauty even when man is a measure of beauty†. I heard the professor saying these two sentences in class and it hit me hard. I remembered the teachers in lower classes telling us that Mathematics are the key for everything in life and we didn't believe them, protesting that â€Å"Art†, for example, has nothing to do with Mathematics. Apparently, they were right. But how come do Mathematics seem to be considered as a measure of beauty? Many philosophers have said and written about art's beauty and aesthetics, and it always included some kind of Mathematics in it. In 1150 AD, Acharya Hemachandra wrote about, what's now called Fibonacci Numbers (In Mathematics, Fibonacci numbers are specialized that the last number is the sum of the two previous ones, such as the following: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610†¦), in poetry lines, 70 years before Fibonacci published his own experiment in his first edition of Liber Abaci. In addition, Pingala seemed to have used them in 200 BC, by considering poetry patterns divided to two lengths of syllables; long and short. In 1, 2 and 3 syllables there's always matching ways to put them. But when it comes to 4 syllables there's 5 ways, just like for 5 syllables there's 8 ways and so it goes. And that's what's special and beautiful about poetry and more precisely rhythm. The Fibonacci numbers were also utilized by many arrangers when composing music, and many poets say that the Golden Ratio goes back to the time of the middle ages. The researches show that Stradivari knew about and utilized the Golden Ratio to put the f-holes in his famous violins. And then there's Baginsky's strategy for constructing violins which is in light of the Golden Section. Music made by Mozart, Bach and Beethoven seem to be based on the Golden Section too. Maybe this is the reason why their music is beautiful. Books about oil painting in all libraries will probably call attention to that it is better to use lines that divide the picture to thirds and to position objects on one of the sides or â€Å"around 33%† of the way across rather than in the middle of the picture. This appears to upgrade the photo to make it more satisfying to the eye and this idea depends again on the Golden Ratio being â€Å"perfect†, leaving behind what's called a beautiful masterpiece painting. Moreover, physical attraction relies upon proportions, and specifically symmetry. When someone else's body is in proportions and symmetrical, it's more likely for us to find it more attractive and beautiful. In the same manner, if a face is proportionate, we will probably notice it quickly and think that it's beautiful and perfect. Leonardo da Vinci's illustrations of the human body accentuated its ratio. Essentially, it is trusted that buildings might be more appealing to a number of people if the proportions used are based on the Golden Section. Therefore, the Golden Ration is taught to architecture students rather than civil engineering students, because architecture is more related to aesthetics which is globally based on Mathematics. For instance, Vitruvius had explained many artistic and architectural things based on proportions, and those are based on Mathematics: -Natural colors, which are found in specific places, and artificial colors that are combined in proper proportions.-â€Å"It is thought that the columns of basilicas ought to be as high as the side-aisles are broad; an aisle should be limited to one third of the breadth which the open space in the middle is to have. â€Å"(Vitruvius, The ten books on Architecture, Book V, p.132) Sizes, in this case, are also proportionate, which increases its beauty as much as it assures its stability. The Golden Section, widely the Fibonacci sequence, also happen in nature, in the patterns we sometimes find in pine cones, pineapples, artichokes, petals of flowers, the leaves of the plants†¦ Generally, because of the best approaches to efficiently pack things firmly together, using the Fibonacci sequence. (The plant needs to get sunshine on all its leaves without one getting in the way of another or else it would be bad for it, that's what it does without special intervention, as the plant doesn't do Mathematics, scientists considered the idea of the Golden Section as its natural growth.) And since God has created everything, some researchers and scientists tend to say that God is the greatest Mathematician such as the following list and many others:-Galileo Galilei who confirmed: â€Å"Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.†-That in addition the Euclid: â€Å"The laws of nature are but the Mathematical thoughts of God. â€Å"-And Paul Dirac said: â€Å"If there is a God, he's a great mathematician. God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world. â€Å"-To end this here's what Maulana Wahiduddin Khan believed: â€Å"The truth is that God is the greatest Mathematician, the greatest artist and the greatest genius.† Just like some people consider that beauty is based on Mathematics, â€Å"all mathematicians share a sense of amazement over the infinite depth and the mysterious beauty and usefulness of Mathematics† (Martin Gardner), in addition to other people who consider Mathematics as the queen of science (or not even a science, just a beautiful thing). They say that Mathematics is the only place where truth and beauty mean the same thing. And from their point of view, if it is correctly used, it has truth as well as preeminent aesthetics. And when someone asked him why he considered numbers beautiful, Paul Erdà ¶s said: â€Å"It's like asking why is Beethoven's Ninth Symphony beautiful. If you don't see why, someone can't tell you. I know numbers are beautiful. If they aren't beautiful, nothing is†?

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Impact Of Social Media Business Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 15 Words: 4401 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? This paper presents the significance of the new and innovative economy to organizational development, adopting to the business environmental changes and managing. Design/methodology/approach -The paper analysis the factors that increase the role of social media (SM) and their influence to changes in the value added in the organization. Findings The paper contributes to the discussion about the importance of social media by enabling the access to the knowledge and the Research limitations/implications The concept is based on a theoretical view of the innovative new economy, knowledge management and the impact of social media on value creation. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Impact Of Social Media Business Essay" essay for you Create order Practical implications out that the Originality/value SM leads to the fact that we are not talking about knowledge management, but about enabling access to knowledge. SM influence on the formation of chain supply and consequently to the value added in the enterprises in innovative economy. Keywords innovative economy, knowledge management, networking, organizational changes, social media, value added chain Paper type Research paper Introduction Sustainable development and increased uncertainty in the business environment are forcing companies to inflict as a strategic goal a constant reconstruction of a comprehensive infrastructure. This renewal based on a more flexible organizational structure (internal environment) including the introduction of modern technologies for the implementation of relationship marketing and renovation of the technological innovations. Technology has with the phenomenon of the Internet and the development of mobile networks transformed the way in which our society communicates and socializes. Technology is no longer the domain of developers and users, but is becoming a central democratic element, which allows for the continuing presence of society.  [1] Conservative organizations demonstrate the requirements of change management policy and organizational structures based on the Taylor paradigm of the hierarchy. At the same time, it has to be aware of the ability to develop and achieve at least basic levels of literacy in the field of modern information and communication technologies (ICT), which plays an important role in the success of both economic and social development. By achieving their strategic objectives, companies will be affected by the increase in productivity, efficiency, added value and consequently, the development of economy and society [11], [20]. The business environment has been necessary to realize the negative consequences of ICT developments with the emergence of high-tech crime. Such abuses are increasing in frequency on both IT and radio-diffuse technologies. The crimes are divided into those where computers are used as a means of enforcement (computer related crime) or as an object of enforcement (computer crime) and criminal actions in the field of illegal use of the Internet [41]. In such an environment it is difficult to define and determine the appropriate boundaries of business. Competitors do not compete only with similar (or id entical) business models. New ones are emerging with different approaches, techniques and thoughts that undermine the traditional rates set market share [8] (figure 1). Influence of technology development to the organizational changes Phenomenon of the Internet in the new economy has influenced in the early nineties of the twentieth century (including the Internet or the digital economy  [2]  ), the rise of the third wave of capitalism. During the last economic crisis and recession, which ended 2009 and the consequences of which the world felt in the form of low economic growth, the emergence of Internet technology, joined the digital technology  [3]  , which further affects the changes in global markets, which point out in the behaviors of the consumers and in developing new business models [37]. SOCIAL MEDIA ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES AND ADOPTION LEGAL AND ETHICAL NORMS TECHNOLOGY GLOBALIZATION PROCESS ORGANIZATIONAL EFFICIENCY COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE VALUE ADDED ACESS TO KNOWLEDGE The new economy has in the early 21st century led to changes in strategies, structures and management styles. For managers it is expected to dominate the release, management and use of resources, in contrast to the strategies of the old economy, which stress that the management strategy to manage the acquisition and ownership need to defend their own resources [28]. An increasing role in the technological field of ICT in the past few years has been seen in mobility, cloud computing, business intelligence systems, and SM [16].All these factors assume a leading role in ICT in developed and underdeveloped economies. Technology and economic growth during the period of transition from the new innovative economy have become inseparable [27], [37]. Innovative economy in the process of organizational evolution introduces new approaches for the development of business models. Even in the early twentieth century in the so-called old economy there was a predominant position that for a successful (profitable) business to occur significant active ownership (hierarchy) must be implemented and that those organizations need to introduce a vertical organizational structure. In the eightie s in the so-called the new economy, knowledge and the flexibility of organizational structures started to significantly affect the performance of companies. In the innovative economy innovation and intuition are becoming the key success factors [9], [21], [39]. Organizational changes include internal and external factors, technology, markets, the legislation (emphasis on the protection of intellectual property), which is in line with new processes, restructuring and mergers and takeovers. Seventy percent of organizational change efforts fail. The causes for failure can be found in the fact that managers skip critical elements in the processes of change [34]. Innovative economic theory (in contrast to neoclassical) follows from the thesis that capital accumulation is the main vehicle for economic growth in todays knowledge-based economy. To change so there is also the global financial theory that during the innovation, economy favors Asset Management prior to ownership. This ne w business logic derives from the thesis that economic growth in the innovative economy arises due to the final product or services that are incurred as a result of knowledge [3]. The innovative entrepreneurship that has been developed based on R D and the down-regulation of activities, highlights the risk upon capital and intellectual property (patents and licenses) and fosters a networking organization that enables collaboration between companies (e.g., clustering). In the innovative economy, partnerships among organizations are based almost exclusively on human capital. Economic capital has lost the importance it still has in the new economy [7]. Network economics considers integration as a strategic instrument that affects the growth of knowledge, and increases the role of information and human knowledge in a knowledge society. The concept of network management is important as a management style that builds or appropriates synergies, particularly between information manageme nt, knowledge and human resources. Knowledge and behavior have become a power not only to the new economy but also to the innovative economy [10], [33]. Networking promotes the importance of Supply-Chain Management for the success of which it is necessary to provide unknown knowledge and prepare for the changes brought about by the development of social media  [4]  and their introduction into business operations [13], [22]. The advantage of the network structure is two-way communication. Processes operating is not run in isolation because, with two-way communication typically every person can communicate with any other person, and information can move freely within an organization f [8], [42]. Knowledge and information are part of the supporting information system which enables their transfer and processing (from the data to the end of wisdom), it is determined by knowledge management. In the given concept network knowledge management can be defined as a shift from a trans action perspective in the distribution of inter-organizational knowledge management process. Specifically, this means that the members of each exchange acquire specific skills needed to support decision-making [40]. Individual companies use outsourcing management activities in order to minimize the operating costs. Companies are therefore compensated for: the purchase of thier own information system (introduction of cloud computing), own implementation of marketing activities (setting up their own social platforms on the existing activity), finance, shared services and the production specific parts of a product, of which the production is not a core activity. The company has to be aware that decisions on the implementation of external operations are risk and that such decisions significantly affect company performance [20]. Management of supply chains is an important part of the value chain by Porter [30], who developed a model to determine the development of rival advantages. Porter stresses the need to identify competitive advantages seen in the company as a whole. Cost-effectiveness and successful differentiation are important factors in the chain of activities for the success of companies that bring value to customers. In the Internet age, the value chain has become a basic tool for understanding the impact of information technology on business. The company starts to integrate the value chain and entire value system, which includes suppliers, distribution channels and consumers. Importance of Supply-Chain Management SCM and customer relationship management CRM is to bring together applications, which include consumers, distribution channels, supply links for ordering example, production orders and deliveries. Development of new technologies to further product development or integration services and exchange of complex models among partners and consumers, which build on the exchange of information through social media. The show began after the onset of the need for identifying the impact of social software solutions upon knowledge management and determining the value of knowledge in enterprises [6], [31], [38]. Von Krogh [38], points out that the SM leads to the fact that we are not talking about knowledge management, but about enabling access to knowledge. Social tools are in fact opening channels of communication with businesses, universities, research institutes, suppliers, customers, users, competitors, etc. This theoretical overview ended with description of the quite new concept of the creative economy. It connects creativity, knowledge and innovation economy. The concept is to encourage investment in innovative technologies and to encourage a period of recession, a new economic cycle and stimulate economic growth [14]. The importance of new technologies for the business development Software applications based on the Internet are entering into all aspects of industrial and service sectors. Web technology provides better opportunities for companies to create strategic priority positions, than they could before any other information technology [31]. An issue that Porter [31], exposed is how to use the Internet in a way that will influence an increase in economic value? The author exposed two factors that determine profitability: industry structure and sustainable competitive advantage; a universal factor which exceeds any form of technology or business. Their effectiveness varies from company to company and from industry to industry. The Internet has an important impact on business development and in connecting relations in business to consumer (B2C) and business to business (B2B). Thus it has gained an important role in company performance and thus results in profit, which depends on the specifics of individual companies or industries. The expansion of online p ortals and blogs is increasing the communication among Internet users (potential customers). This leads to an exchange of opinions on the quality of products or services. The Internet has influenced the development of relations between consumers (C2C), which has a significant relationship to the creation of consumer perception of the quality of brand or company reputation. Progress and development of Web technology have an enormous impact on the evolutionary changes in social, economic and cultural fields [32]. A capacity to adapt is conditional with changes in organizational behavior such as with the initiation and adaptation of technological innovations [36]. CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE eeffeeeeeeeeccddddd+++++*****INFRASTRUCUTRE interactivity applications Growth of do commerce on demand connect communicate collaborate real time on demand (from) distance *Critical infrastructure: IT developments and breakthroughs Organizations have to adapt to changes in env ironment if they wish to survive. In the 21 century we are witnesses to global warming and climate change. Society and organizations are looking for solutions within the concept of sustainable development, which will affect all levels of contemporary culture organizations, whose task will be a close relationship with global challenges. Private organizations will need to consider how environmental responsibility starts in their basic concept of development and this will also affect the organizational culture [35]. In cultural fields organizations are exposed to cases of managing the culture and limiting behavior of group members through sharing the same norms. In todays increasingly networked and virtual world one must be aware that each group consists of members coming from different social background, ethnic group, country, etc All this affects in to the culture of the organizations [35]. Launch of new ICTs in the knowledge-based industry The knowledge-based industry achieves its performance with the ability to develop new knowledge and the use thereof in the development of new products and services. Within organizations, the emphasis on knowledge management, and the processes within an organization geared to the development and dissemination of knowledge throughout the organization. An essential role in these processes is played by the workforce at all levels of he organization; whose ideas and insights serve to create knowledge, and the organizations competitive advantage (A Dictionary of Human Resource Management 2008). Between knowledge based industry classified automotive industry, information industry, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries and media and entertainment industry Phenomenon online platforms that represent social media (SM) (Table 1) have acquired a large force in 2004, when Facebook announced: We give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected [23]. During this peri od a new form of social media has formed, Twitter, which currently has a billion registered users who generate 175 million messages (tweets) daily. Use of online media is growing people and organizations use them for self-promotion, dissemination and the exchange of information users express their opinions, criticisms and compliments and straight communication [2]. TABLE I: examples of social media for business 1. Social-Media/Social-Bookmarking Sites: for share favorite sites on the Web with potential customers and business partners by commenting on, uploading and ranking different news, articles and company blogs. Reddit, Digg,, Technorati, Ning, Furl, WikiHow, Youtube, Ma.gnolia. 2. Professional-Networking Sites: online networking communities for companies or individuals for promotion, recruiting, business opportunities. Linkdeln, Xing, Focus, Facebook. Ecademy, Research gate, Plaxo 3. Niche Social-Media Sites: sites convenient for linking up for att ainability business target audience. Pixel Groovy, Mixx, Tweako, Small Business Brief, Sphinn 4. General Social-Media Sites: opportunities for advertise, promotion etc. Wikipedia, Newsvine, Wetpaint, Twitter 5. Job sites: suitable for searching for high qualified candidates., The Wall Street Journals CareerJournal, Sologig Todays knowledge society, in addition to knowledge-intensive processes, is including the benefits of creating and finding new information with communication technologies. Following the implementation of new web-based solutions (Web 2.0) the term Enterprise 2.0 has been established for companies using new technological solutions that include digital media and social software solutions for business purposes [23], [24]. Social media tools enable the creation of new forms of connections and contribute to the maintenance of social connections (networks). It has never been possible to share mutual information and knowledge so quick ly on a global scale. Social media allow instant transfers of video and picture material, as well as maintaining blogs. This gives rise to the joint efforts of the public resulting in a new, often freely accessible database of information and knowledge. The design and structure of social media links the development of digital media technologies (e.g. digital signage) and the decline in prices increasingly influence in facilitating the transfer of information events in ways not previously possible (e.g., corporate television, video portals, etc.). Social networks are growing in different environments and strongly influence the changes in society, technology and business practice [15], [12]. e commerce New IT capabilities competitive strategies efficiency of operations social networks rule of management Companies should be aware that the customers (internet tools users) are becoming the new marketers (viral marketing: mouth to mouth communication + SM), with extensive o pinion-leading talks about the brand (table 3) [12]. All these factors come together through social media to create an external image of the company, which will depend on its reputation and consequently, the value of the firm (e.g., informing the interested public through the website if a corporation, showing the relationship to both owners and the media and consequently, affect the value shares) [18]. Organizations have no influence upon customer publications through social media. They can only publish a retaliatory explanation later and try through to decrease potential damage to their image. Viral marketing has had an influence on reducing the role of PR and marketing agencies. Technology today allows companies to create personal communication blogs, or use other similar social platforms. Companies can even invest in their own social programs and store and transfer them via digital media. Social media Customer Viral marketing Customer Viral marketing Customer Organization Fig. 1. Social media communication The development of the management skills based on the influence of technological change which lead to existence of the concept of KM 2.0. Von Krogh [38], notes that in the context of the impact of social software solutions onto the generation of KM and upgrades to increase the added value of organizational knowledge, there is a need to focus on: à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ­ Identification of indications of how people adapt their communication with the external environment in terms of quality, distinctiveness and ownership of data, information and knowledge, à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ­ How people account for the risk of sharing their content with strangers. Are people receptive to the issues of ownership and transfer of data between strangers (the problem of transmission of information from researchers and developers on outside experts to help create the so-called open innovation? à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ­ How it affects the takeover or merger of the development company that owns the new technologies developed by its members to communicate with experts in acquiring. The impact of social media to value added in knowledge-based industries Knowledge is already seen as the key factor of a sustainable competitive advantage in the new economy. An organizations need to develop an organizational culture to raise the level of awareness of employees to create and share knowledge is the basic concept of business, allowing further growth of the organization. An organizational culture based on sharing knowledge, providing opportunities for the development of KM processes, which are closely associated with the creation of added value is essential [19], [29]. The organization has to take its objectives into account, their knowledge and know-how from the environment, to establish a policy to customer relationship management (CRM) and suppliers, develop a marketing strategy that provides market positioning and design of brand loyalty. These resources constitute social capital, which occurs in two forms: as an internal adhesive to create the organizational culture or as an external agent relationship. Keeping these two forms of social capital requires different approaches to individual forms [26]. Social media has become an important source of knowledge and enables the creation of the content value chain. This is achieved by linking complementary organizations and respective organizations with their distributors and customers [26], [38]. The purpose of networking between organizations is the tendency to develop and implement technology solutions and processes that will enhance the organizational added value and bring added value to the customer in the form of utility value. Linked organizations that constitute the value chain have to reach decisions on strategies to increase the added value (e.g., acquisition, accumulation and divestment) with a consensus with partners. In order for successful participation to occur in the value chain, organizations have to identify common goals, be complementary and trust each other [25]. Knowledge that is transmitted through social media will impact favorably on added value provided that the information delivered to the customer at any moment will be of sound quality, accuracy and up-to-date.. The increase in the effective implementation of the dissemination of information via the SM (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, proprietary platforms, etc), Increase the dissemination of information on the advertised product, service, etc Organizations must ensure that the flow of information through social media is properly secured, and that they will not lose their knowledge [38]. With such policy the use of SM in the field of marketing communication in knowledge based industry will increase the reliability of the information and the general perception of loyalty to the brand and the organizations good name. This will increase the ROI of social media compared to classic media [18]. Consequently this will lead to higher added value in knowledge based industry. Management changes Processes of creation Results the value added with SM HRM Techn ological development enabling the aces to knowledge financial performance Enterprise infrastructure Relations in supply change feedback Marketing trading non financial B2B, B2C and C2C performance Service unconscious marketing BSC, human capital Unwanted marketing (spam) Conclusions The emergence of the Web in the new economy has highly influenced the development of new forms of communication and socializing. With the expansion of social media during the innovative economy there have been qualitative leaps in the communication and transmission of information. Social media has changed the focus on KM from managing the knowledge to the providing of the access to knowledge. Social media allows access to data and video information to a broad range of potential consumers. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Liberalism Who And Why - 1358 Words

Republicanism: Who and Why â€Å"Republicans are for both the man and the dollar, but in case of conflict the man before the dollar.† This quote, by Abraham Lincoln describes some of the core principles behind Republicanism. Those core ideas are to help United State’s citizens first and the economy seconds. Republicanism is a belief that the United States should take a more conservative approach in its economic and social policies, and people believe in it because they think that a hands off government approach in which there is less government control over businesses would be beneficial to themselves and to the United States as a whole. Understanding what Republicans believe creates a dialogue about policies that should be made in society and allows others, such as Democrats, to find common ground that they can work together on to solve problems in the United States. Origin and Development The word Republican originates from the root word republic, which is a government where the people elect representatives to vote for issues and create legislation that is in their best interest or in the best interest of the government. According to Haley Barbour, the former RNC Chairman, â€Å"originally, ‘republican’ was a neutral term because the Constitution had guaranteed each state ‘a republican form of government’† (Barbour). This broad term later became narrowly tailored when it became used to describe conservatives. According to the Wisconsin Historical Society, â€Å"this name had beenShow MoreRelated Liberalism in Canadian Government Essay551 Words   |  3 PagesLiberalism is the best ideology for Canada’s government and is a good combination of both Socialism and Conservatism. Liberalism takes the finer parts from both ideologies to create a better form of government. 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Sometimes their reasoning is clouded by their personal beliefs and they fail to look at the bigger picture. Liberalism is the ideology that would best fit society because its princi ples’ advocate for equality, tolerance of all, and individualism. LiberalsRead MoreJean Jacques Rousseau s Theories Of Freedom, Equality, And Power1729 Words   |  7 PagesThere are many different critics of liberalism that we have studied throughout the second half of the semester which include philosophers such as Marx, Burke, and Goldman. These philosophers have allowed readers to open up their minds to different ideas that are not common in today’s world. In our contemporary modern society, most people tend to prefer this idea of liberalism, this is the notion that people are entitled to freedom and equality no matter where your geographical location may be. TheRead MoreClassical Liberalism Vs. Modern Liberalism Essay1534 Words   |  7 Pagesprogressive ideology that humanity has struggled long and arduously to fully achieve. (PP classical liberalism) According to the Bond textbook, â€Å"Ideology is a consistent set of values, attitudes, and beliefs about the appropriate role of government in society.† (Textbook, page 22) The movement that spanned during the creation of the United States was called classical liberalism. What is liberalism? Classical Liberalism could be defined as a movement during the eighteenth maybe nineteenth century that was focusedRead MoreRelationship Between Liberalism And Conservatism1317 Words   |  6 PagesThis essay will assess the relationship between liberalism and conservatism by exploring the differences in ideological beliefs of these two ideologies. Ideology can be defined as â€Å"set of interrelated and more or less coherent ideas† that constitutes of both â€Å"descriptive and normative element† on how a society works (Heywood, 2007, pp. 6-7). One of the most popular ideology in contemporary politics is liberalism which accord individual liberty and free market as its primary priority. On the other