Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The On The Streams Model Essay - 916 Words

The streams model was developed John Kingdon in 2003. It is a powerful tool in understanding policy process. It consists of three parallel processes: problem streams, policy streams, and politic streams (Knaggard, 2015). These three parallel process can also go under multiple different names. Problem streams refers to policy problem that requires attention; issues that capture everyone’s attention (Howlett, Ramesh and Perl, 2009). Policy streams, also known as solution streams, pertains to many potential policy solutions that originate from communities of policy experts, also known as, ‘policy primeval soup’ in which policy ideas and solutions are formed, rejected, and selected (Howlett et al.). Lastly, political streams refer to social and political factors such as public opinion, election results, and demands of interest groups (Howlett et al.). Kingdon states that when the three streams joined at a critical moment, it would constitute a policy window (Chow, 20 14). When this window opens, the issue becomes part of the policy agenda and policymaking steps will follow (Chow). The convergence of streams is determined by the presence of policy windows and the actions of policy entrepreneurs (Chow). Policy entrepreneurs, actors who introduce and promote ideas, will the spend time to increase their chances of getting an idea placed on the decision-making agenda (Chow). Strengths of Streams Model Streams model is an enhanced version of the Garbage Can model developed in 1971Show MoreRelatedUsing Kingdon s Policy Streams Model1199 Words   |  5 Pagesone must have in wording the issue. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a problem that has been identified. Background on the problem will be provided, the significance will be examined, and a discussion of the problem using Kingdon’s Policy Streams Model will be delivered. Identification of Problem Immunization via vaccines has been a hot topic of debate in recent years. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Candide’s Old Woman Free Essays

Despite â€Å"growing old in misery and in shame, having only half a backside and remembering always that I was the daughter of a Pope† as she, the Old Woman told Candide, â€Å"a hundred times I wanted to kill myself, but always I loved life more†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The Old Woman endured an series of unrelenting episodes which would have made anyone want to kill themselves but at her old age, instead of appearing doubtful and full of regret, like Candide, she looked at the bright side and still had the desire to live her life even if it began with hardships. Suicide is seen a very coward like act in the eyes of society, back then and today. Especially for one who practices Christian values. We will write a custom essay sample on Candide’s Old Woman or any similar topic only for you Order Now It can be said that one of the reasons why a person who would commit such an act of violence against themselves is because that person does not value and love their own self enough to stop feeling sorry and down for themselves and know that they’re worth more than anything, pick up the pieces and themselves back up. The Old Woman did not start off well in life, being the daughter of a Pope did not mean that she had been granted a place in the world or had started off with a sunny predisposition, quite the contrary, instead she was the product of a woman and a man who disobeyed the vows of celibacy. with that said, her parents, her dad more than anything, had bore shame upon themselves. In their eyes, her sole existence was illegitimate. The Old Woman, as wise as she was, was also strong. People with strong mentalities are able to endure and survive obstacles that others would have given up on long ago. The old woman thought that loving life was a ridiculous weakness that one â€Å"that chooses to carry a burden that no one wants to cast on the ground, to hold existence in horror and to cling to it? To fondle the serpent which devours us till it has eaten out our heart? † we as humans, can be weak sometimes and succumb to renounce own lives in order to end pain and suffering of a situation that we feel that we have no control over and will not be able to surpass. The old woman endured many tragedies but still, she rose above them. She was widowed at a young age, raped, sold, enslaved, not to mention had half of her butt eaten! Any woman’s from this day and age wouldn’t think twice about committing suicide over losing half of a butt! Being the daughter of a Pope didn’t ensure that she was going to be protected in any way against the hardships she had to bear to get to where she was as she related to Candide and Miss Cunegonde. The only reason why she told her story to them was because they both provoked her by talking about their own petty misfortunes compared to what she had been through. Weather a person believes in God or not, life is something that must be cherished while we still have it. There are extreme episodes of trauma that we can experience and at times feel like we won’t survive that particular experience and commit suicide, just drop and terminate with our burdens right then and there. It seems very easy, that’s why some people choose that route. Those that persevere don’t choose the easy way and are resilient to a world that shows no mercy. Any human being that has walked the face of this earth and has had a traumatic event happen to them at one point in their lives and that didn’t choose suicide as their last resort is a hero in their own way. They are heroes of their own lives and their own fate. In the end, one will still continue to go though the motions of life and new problems will always arise. Life will go on. Those that have become resilient to difficult life experiences only become wiser and stronger and are able to deal with other tough situations. That is the reason why the old woman was able to make it to her old age of course, she didn’t get to be who she was, a strong willed woman who was determined to live by giving up. How to cite Candide’s Old Woman, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Significance of a Planned Decision Making

Question: Describe about The significance of a planned decision making using rational decision making models. Answer: Decision Summary The decision of introducing a democratic and participatory supervision process for was taken as there was evidence of lack of suitable planning connected to the direction, resulting in poor management of school supervision, lack of coordination and responsibility among the staffs, obsolete curriculum, lack of up gradation of the latest technologies which resulted in lower rate of student admission for the past few years. As the parents demand value for money taking such decisions became mandatory and those involved: New reforms Recollecting the right kind of human resources Foresight and approach Assistance ("A Brief History of Decision Making", 2006). In the present discussion, we will be discussing the effect of introducing Human Resource Planning in our educational Institution by the Director and his associates. Making such decisions, not only involve motivational programs, but also incentive plans for additional participation and engagement of employees in an institution (Hutchel Molet, 1986). The chief purpose of this is towards the achievement of goals of proper functioning through an appropriate and systematic approach towards the establishment of the base of our educational institution. The decision was made through the process of introducing regular quality improvement and quality monitoring as well as sourcing the right resource in several units of our Educational Institution. The aspects that influenced the decision were the introduction of: Trend Study: The projection may done by defining, indexation, extrapolation, and numerical analysis Work Analysis: This is reliant on upon the nature of work in a department Expert Forecast: This includes familiar decisions and formal expert surveys Work Analysis: Allowances needs to be made for manpower requirements Occupational programs: This can be developed and outlined according to the requirements Training Programs: Based on expansion, diversification, skills, knowledge and capabilities. The outcome of the decision was that there was actual utilization of management personnel that helped in the implementation of the managerial services and activities. The decision not only aided in deciding how to put the right man in the right job but also comprised of deciding on the several motivational programs like incentive strategies needs to be mounted for future participation (Gabor, 1976). Rational decision making analysis Rational decision making is a step-by-step method to reach at a decision. The decision maker comes with the best possible solution to a problem through this. Practitioners in my educational institution set-up are teachers, head of the organisation, supervisors, officers, inspectors or teacher educators (Olden Patterson, 2000). Everybody is interested in bringing a modification for the up gradation in the operational zones where they have a functional responsibility. Rational decision making process model has been used in spheres where competencies could be enhanced. Balanced thinking helped us to identify and have a strong vision to the difficult situation which is helpful in recognizing ways and resources to solve the problems. But it is the non-programmed judgment which are responses to that particular situation which is unique and has not been met earlier. The Rational decision making model that has been applied here consists of five steps: Step one Identification of the problem. The problem in the present case scenario is mismanagement. There are an inadequate number of supervisors and teacher educators and also their lack of ability to make a positive influence on the whole teaching-learning process of the institution. Step two Once the problem is recognized the next stage is the collection of the data and also formulate a list of alternative actions. Soliciting information from numerous sources develops the value of options generated. This is done through multiple sources like Interviewing, Attendance sheet examination, scrutinizing the task-completion, the success rate of the work assigned, questionnaires and performances. Step three In Rational decision making a solution is chosen from the list of options which includes a list of programs for planning and identifying the available talents and items of the training programs. All recruitment and selection programs should have been based on proper planning. But in the present workplace environment, this step was followed partly as the selection has been made through the process of random selection from the available resources. Step four The next step is the implementation of the planning done which demands visualizing the future. The visualization must be interpreted efficiently into action by the process of: Examining the present manpower list Making forthcoming placement prediction Developing service agendas Planning training programs Identifying each of these tasks that needs completion, requires the formulation of the objectives which is critical for the achievement of the decision-making process. The present workplace decisions do not involve all the steps of the above actions. It implements the rational model partly by examining certain areas of expertise such as planning programs for the training and examining the existing man-power list, along with designing the training programs. Step Five After the identification of the problem, the evaluation is made of its successful implementation and the success of the decisions taken, and the planning process needs constant monitoring. The Rational decision making model has been shown below: Source: www.pathways .cu.edu.eg The method of implementing the decision making model has helped in developing a suitable method of assigning the right person to do managerial activities, official work, supervising the planning process, making the forecast about institutional requirements, developing skill amidst the staff members and improving the ability to make responsible decisions(Machina, 1981). Bounded rational decision-making analysis The world around us is both complex and huge so when tougher problems necessitate more thought, it often increases the mental load and playing inside the bounds of rationality gives an individual few standards, or halt their current boundaries. And bounded rationality identifies that it is hard to examine and comprehend all of the possibly significant evidence in making selections. The only conceivable way of managing with the complication of the situation is to improve habits, techniques as well as standard operating procedures that are (SOP) to enable taking decisions. As Herbert Simon specified that there are two chief reasons of bounded rationality: The arrangement where the mind operates Boundaries of our human mind (Dean Sharfman, 1996) In the present work-place scenario, bounded rationality has been based on the fact that decision -makers are unable to process every information even if they had it. So to predict people's actions, identification of the cognitive process is necessary, which is a drawback in the present scenario. Institutionalists often argue for added substances in utility function about bounded rationality as they simplify to interpret it. It has been noticed that in our institution, individuals are unable to handle many items together. Moreover, the things that are considered in a particular decision were different from the items in another situation, this confused the decision makers to the right path. However, to study the potential issues that might have bounded the individuals decision that has been assigned to the cognitive limits of the decision maker involves both computational capacity and knowledge. There was lack of understanding in this arena. The generation of statistical data, as well as viable substitute is a lengthy and costly procedure where real-life situations can hardly be assured. Lack of proper knowledge and limited ability to predict the future, inadequacy in the scientific theories used, and inaccuracy of predictions also played a central part in shaping the potentia l issues of bounded rational decision making in the present scenario. However, there are numerous benefits of this decision making. It may be summed up as organizational, general and individual. One of the chief benefits concerns an active way of bringing an active change and to solve a wide range of present management problems. The second advantage is that the logic and reason has been balanced by divergence and creativity throughout the whole process (Georgakakos Graham, 2008). It offers the group and the individual with augmented confidence that a right decision has been made, though attaining that decision require extra time. Another prime benefit of this process in our institution was that it permitted an individual to comprehend the problem sensibly before considering other options. Moreover, the method contains built-in step to reflect might be wrong if precise explanations are designated. Finally, the use of a problem solving procedures enhanced the growth of unity inside the institution. If everybody is using a similar method of problem solvi ng, then consensus or agreement is much easy to attain. Such combined action usually produces superior consequences than non-unified action. It has been believed that three features are essential for decision making and problem solving, a suitable level of communication and thinking skills, an information base, and a strategy and the systematized approach to solving problems ("Bounded Rationality," 2012).But there are some potential limitations of bounded rationality. The time decision makers devoted to their own practices, so monitoring closely become hard. Most often there is a criticism about the validity of the research process, biased data gathering, and analysis and to some extent unfamiliarity with the research methods that led to unreliability in the gathered data but this unreliability is at times inevitable. Representation of the process of decision making may confuse, rather than enlighten as these representations may be unduly complicated. The implementation of bounded rational decision making is necessary for some reasons stated above so it is advisable that there should be a generalizable but flexible method to solve the problems which would lead to the betterment of self and the institution in general and help in the achievement of the goals. References A Brief History of Decision Making. (2006). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 29 May 2016, from https://hbr.org/2006/01/a-brief-history-of-decision-making Bounded Rationality. (2012). Msu.edu. Retrieved 30 May 2016, from https://msu.edu/course/aec/810/bond-rat.htm Dean, J. Sharfman, M. (1996). DOES DECISION PROCESS MATTER? A STUDY OF STRATEGIC DECISION-MAKING EFFECTIVENESS. Academy Of Management Journal, 39(2), 368-392. https://dx.doi.org/10.2307/256784 Georgakakos, K. Graham, N. (2008). Potential Benefits of Seasonal Inflow Prediction Uncertainty for Reservoir Release Decisions. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 47(5), 1297-1321. https://dx.doi.org/10.1175/2007jamc1671.1 Hutchel, A. Molet, H. (1986). Rational modeling in understanding and aiding human decision-making: About two case studies. European Journal of Operational Research, 24(1), 178-186. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0377-2217(86)90024-x Machina, M. (1981). Rational decision making versus decision modeling. Journal Of Mathematical Psychology, 24(2), 163-175. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0022-2496 (81)90041-9 Olden, E. Patterson, E. (2000). A RATIONAL DECISION MAKING MODEL FOR EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS. Experimental Techniques, 24(4), 26-32. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1747-1567.2000.tb00922.x TheManageMentor - Human Resources - The Rational Decision-Making Model. (2013). Themanagementor.com. Retrieved 29 May 2016, from https://www.themanagementor.com/enlightenmentorareas/hr/ob/ob_dcsnmaking_3.html

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Midnight in Paris Analysis Essay Example

Midnight in Paris Analysis Essay In the film Midnight in Paris . there are a batch of interesting sights in the most beautiful metropolis in the universe. During the movie. Woody Allen showed us how Paris is beautiful in the forenoon. charming in the afternoon. and enrapturing in the eventide. but it is charming and has a batch of surprising things after midnight. Get downing with the Eiffel Tower. there were a batch of iconic shootings of Paris at its most touristic points like its beautiful streets under the rain. the celebrated river in the metropolis La Seine . and the wide gardens that makes this metropolis the most beautiful finish for the celebrated creative persons who were looking for a quiet topographic point to develop their endowment as authors. The film is a nice combination of Paris in 2010 and Paris in the yesteryear. when the celebrated creative persons and authors were there like Ernest Hamingway. F Scott Fitzgerald. Picasso. Gertrud Stein. and Salvador Dali. We will write a custom essay sample on Midnight in Paris Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Midnight in Paris Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Midnight in Paris Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Throughout the film the manager didn’t merely demo us Paris and its tourer locations. but besides took us to destinations out of the metropolis such as Versailles and Monet’s gardens in Giverny. Then. there were all the warmly illuminated shootings of the coffeehouse. eating houses. and the celebrated stores such as Coco Channel and Dior. In add-on. the beauty of the sights and the exposures grabbed the viewer’s attending to desire to watch this film and to detect a batch of more information about some of the most celebrated creative persons in the early nineteenth century. The film Midnight in Paris . had win with engagement of group of people who were capable and successful in their occupation as creative persons. The author and manager was Woody Allen. and the lead histrions were: Owen Wilson. Rachel Mc Adams. and Kathy Bates. The dramatis personae was by Marian Cotillard. Michael Sheen. Adrien Brody. and Alison Pill. The studio was Gravier Production. Mediapro. Televisio de catalunya TV3. and it was made in May 20. 2011 by Sony Pictures Classics. The romantic comedy phantasy movie had many incredible minutes get downing by detecting the metropolis in the minute to going back in clip each dark after midnight. On one manus. the film had a batch of interesting minutes between the yesteryear and the present. The narrative was about an American household who went to France for a concern trip. and the two immature people Gil and his bride-to-be were engaged to be married even though their outlook and their thought were different. She used to reason with him all the clip and she didn’t like him to be a author every bit much as to work in Hollywood. Gil was the sort of individual who likes to compose and to be a successful author. and by the clip he was in Paris. he believed that this ity is the lone topographic point he will happen himself in. Suddenly. and while he was walking around the Parisian streets. he found himself coming back in clip to the nineteenth Century when all the celebrated authors and painters were at that place. Therefore. this minute Gil had a large alteration in his life. Get downing by interrupting up with his bride-to-be and falling in love with a Gallic adult fem ale. He found himself with the stars of art in Paris in its aureate clip. and he didn’t believe that he had a batch of conversations with the best author of all time. Ernest Hamingway. On the other manus. Paris in its aureate clip was the best finish for a batch of creative persons around the universe. Ernest Hamingway was an American writer and journalist who chose to populate in the metropolis of art. Paris in the aureate age. His economical and unostentatious manner had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction. while his life of escapade and his public image influenced ulterior coevalss. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s. and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels. six short narrative aggregations. and two non-fiction plants. Three novels. four aggregations of short narratives. and three non-fiction plants were published posthumously. Many of these are considered classics of American literature. Hemingway was raised in Oak Park. Illinois. After high school. he reported for a few months for The Kansas City Star before go forthing for the Italian forepart to enlist with the World War I ambulance drivers. In 1918. he was earnestly wounded and returned place. His wartime experiences formed the footing for his novel. A Farewell to Arms. In 1922. he married Hadley Richardson. the first of his four married womans. The twosome moved to Paris. where he worked as a foreign letter writer. and fell under the influence of the modernist authors and creative persons of the 1920s Lost Generation expatriate community. The Sun Besides Rises. Hemingway’s foremost novel. was published in 1926. In my sentiment as a spectator. Hemingway was one of the most interesting personalities in the film because he had made a alteration on batch of creative persons after him and he was a good illustration for those want to be successful in their life as a Gil. and the most interesting portion in the film was the conversation that was in the old Peugeot auto when they were speaking about work forces and their fright of decease. Last. Midnight in Paris . had bundle of information everyone should cognize. Thus. I recommend watching this film. because it wasn’t merely a narrative like what we normally see in other movies. but had much information about some celebrated creative persons in the nineteenth century. Besides. we went back with the film to see how those people used to populate in nice and quiet universe particularly in the art metropolis. Personally. I liked the film from the beginning to the terminal. because and while I was watching it. I enjoyed its quiet music they used to listen to. The music and the rain in the Parisian streets had made a beautiful image about this metropolis and besides I enjoyed seeing some touristical topographic points I had visited while I was in holiday at that place. In add-on. I liked the narrative about Gil and how he was promoting himself to acquire on the right manner in the art. by holding a good self-pride. even though he had a batch of obstructions with his bride-to-be and her parents.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on House Of Mirth

â€Å"Everything about her was at once was at once vigorous and exquisite, at once strong and fine. He had a confused sense that she must have cost a great deal to make, that a great many dull and ugly people must, in some mysterious way, have been sacrificed to produce her. He was aware that the qualities distinguishing her from the herd of her sex were chiefly external, as though a fine glaze of beauty and fastidiousness had been applied to vulgar clay.† –(p 3.) Readers are offered these early impressions of Lily Bart from the mind of Lawrence Selden as they walk toward his flat on Madison Avenue. I think that this quote is interesting for a few reasons: by saying â€Å"she must have cost a great deal to make,† Lily is immediately seen as a commodity: if workers were â€Å"sacrificed† to make this â€Å"produce,† her person is not only objectified, but quantified as a value in a transaction. Selden’s inner commentary pre-empts this thought as a â€Å"confused sense†: I take this as the kind of feeling that Selden must feel corrupt, to some degree, for thinking, as this perception that he has of women is somewhat culturally programmed. We also see the way that Selden views her â€Å"fine glaze† of beauty, which marks her as differing from the rest of the cattle-like women. I think it is interesting to consider that some of the first outside opinions we perceive of Lily attempt quantify her value: it is these monetary values that will trouble the rest of her days. Unlike the high Boston Society of Silas Lapham, the means in which one attains wealth is not of importance: the freedom that Lily seeks may be only available through financial stability, and the only financial gains in which Lily is successful come through the ideals of courtship and marriage which have been forced upon her.... Free Essays on House Of Mirth Free Essays on House Of Mirth â€Å"Everything about her was at once was at once vigorous and exquisite, at once strong and fine. He had a confused sense that she must have cost a great deal to make, that a great many dull and ugly people must, in some mysterious way, have been sacrificed to produce her. He was aware that the qualities distinguishing her from the herd of her sex were chiefly external, as though a fine glaze of beauty and fastidiousness had been applied to vulgar clay.† –(p 3.) Readers are offered these early impressions of Lily Bart from the mind of Lawrence Selden as they walk toward his flat on Madison Avenue. I think that this quote is interesting for a few reasons: by saying â€Å"she must have cost a great deal to make,† Lily is immediately seen as a commodity: if workers were â€Å"sacrificed† to make this â€Å"produce,† her person is not only objectified, but quantified as a value in a transaction. Selden’s inner commentary pre-empts this thought as a â€Å"confused sense†: I take this as the kind of feeling that Selden must feel corrupt, to some degree, for thinking, as this perception that he has of women is somewhat culturally programmed. We also see the way that Selden views her â€Å"fine glaze† of beauty, which marks her as differing from the rest of the cattle-like women. I think it is interesting to consider that some of the first outside opinions we perceive of Lily attempt quantify her value: it is these monetary values that will trouble the rest of her days. Unlike the high Boston Society of Silas Lapham, the means in which one attains wealth is not of importance: the freedom that Lily seeks may be only available through financial stability, and the only financial gains in which Lily is successful come through the ideals of courtship and marriage which have been forced upon her....

Friday, November 22, 2019

Applying The Social Entrepreneurship Concept Commerce Essay

The aims of this undertaking is to place the societal entrepreneurship construct, to place the characteristics for ICE-Port as societal entreprenteurship construct and to plan the ICE-Port.The execution of this undertaking will be in 3 stages, job designation, demand and and analysis and besides plan phases.This undertaking is expected to finish within 2 semester.The awaited consequence of this undertaking would be ICE-Port paradigm and SDD. Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter discusses the undertaking background, job statement, purpose, aims, range and significance of the undertaking. The undertaking background presents the overview of proposed undertaking and the job statement will place the job occurs. Significance of the undertaking is besides stated in this chapter. 1.1 Undertaking Background. Entrepreneurship plans were conducted among university pupils in order to expose pupils to entrepreneurial values and accomplishments, which cover leading, invention, creativeness, resiliency, fight, independency, calculated hazard and the ability to place and make chances ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.mohe.gov.my, n.d ) . To heighten the entrepreneurship programme, The Higher Education Entrepreneurship Development Policy was launched on 13 April 2010. The purpose of this policy is to promote the development of entrepreneurship plans among higher instruction pupils in a holistic mode and well-structured program.The execution of the policy is aim at bring forthing alumnuss which non merely success in academic but besides have the enterprisers attributes, believing and accomplishments, to increase the figure of enterprisers among alumnuss for the accomplishment of economic transmutation ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.mohe.gov.my, n.d ) . ‘Kemahiran Insaniah ‘ plan, one of the attacks introduced by the Ministry of Higher Education ( MOHE ) for the development of human capital among university pupils has outlined entrepreneurship accomplishments as one of the 7 elements as the aims of the plan ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.mohe.gov.my, n.d ) . Before the execution of the entrepreneurship policy by MOHE, UiTM one measure further in develop and back up the entrepreneurship elements among their pupils. UiTM has introduced entrepreneurship classs as an attempt to advance entrepreneurship as a feasible calling option ( Arshad, Buyong, Wahab A ; Salleh, 2011 ) . This can be seen in academic survey program which entrepreneurship class has been highlighted as one of the compulsory topic in some faculities such as Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences ( www.fskm.uitm.edu.my, n.d. ) .Other than that, one of the iniatitives is the constitution of Malayan Academy of SME A ; Entrepreneurship Development ( MASMED ) .MASMED is the combination of Pusat Pembangunan Usahawan Malaysia ( MEDEC ) , Tunas Mekar and Entrepreneurship Research and Support Centre ( ERSC ) was established in April 2010 to carry on and form entrepreneurship programmes among UiTM pupils ( hypertext transfer protocol: //masmed.uitm.edu.my,2011 ) .MASMED respo nsible to bring forth enterprisers among the UiTM pupils and to construct the entrepreneurship accomplishments and values among the pupils to better the marketability of employment. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //masmed.uitm.edu.my,2011 ) . Besides the introducing of entrepreneurship class, UiTM exposed the entrepreneurship elements through the extracurricular and club activities ( Arshad, Buyong, Wahab A ; Salleh, 2011 ) . As defined by Dalrymple and Evangelou in 2006, extracurricular activities refer to the activities which are non covered in the university course of study and it will take topographic point outside the category clip. Perlembagaan Persatuan UiTM in 2012 highlighted the activities will be conducted must supply some value to the targeted group, including entrepreneurship, academic, community service and leadership.According to Arshad, Buyong, Wahab and Salleh ( 2011 ) , there are merely 0.6 % of UiTM pupils participated in more than 3 entrepreneurship activities while analyzing. This really little per centum is due to miss of publicity on entrepreneurship activities. To back up the MOHE and UiTM attempts in developing the entrepreneurship elements and involvements among pupils, this undertaking will be attempted to happen an alternate to advance the activities to be conducted by planing a portal and using the entrepreneurship construct and societal entrepreneurship construct was chosen. As one of the pupil association, ISEC was chosen to reflect for this undertaking. Since ISEC do non hold any community battle portal, societal entrepreneurship construct will be applied for the design of ISEC community battle portal ( ICE-Port ) .In suppport MOHE and UiTM entrepreneurial mission, this portal will be functioned as one of the medium for ISEC community to derive information about ISEC and activities planned at the same clip advancing the entrepreneurship activities. 1.2 Problem Statement The non being medium to advance an entrepreneurship activities have causes the pupils to non take part in such activities. In my informal treatment with Information Systems Engineering Club ( ISEC ) commission, current patterns have been applied to advance or inform the pupils about the extracurricular and nine activities is through the societal web medium such as Facebook and through the messaging between the organiser and category representatives.There are issues originate with the current state of affairs such as the pupils do non acquire the information because bash non hold societal web history and category representatives unable to explicate in inside informations about certain activities. And since ISEC is a pupil association, in work outing the job stated, as mentioned before, this undertaking will be focused on the using a type of the entrepreneurship, societal entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship was chosen because Minister of Higher Education Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin in 2011 said this attack will gives pupils the chance to pattern the procedure of advanced solutions by combine cognition, entrepreneurship, and research experience.The attack, he said, can be used in order to form plans to supply societal alteration to the local community.Resolution of issues or jobs faced by the community, he said, can be addressed through plans organized by their pupils through this attack. This construct more relevant to use among ISEC commission because it is non for net income intiatives ( Austin, Stevenson A ; Wei-Skiller, 2003 ) and the net income addition will be re-invested to the ISEC community. 1.3 Aim To use sosial entrepreneurship construct for the design of ISEC Community Engagement Portal ( ICE-Port ) . 1.4 Aims The chief aims of this undertaking are: 1. To place societal entrepreneurshipconcept. 2. To place the functionalities for ISEC Community Engagement Portal ( ICE-Port ) harmonizing to societal entrepreneurship construct. 3. To plan the ICE-Port. 1.5 Scope The execution of this undertaking is to help ISEC Committee in using the entrepreneurial constructs in their activities and prosecute the community of ISEC. 1.6 Undertaking Stakeholders The possible stakeholders for this undertaking are: 1. MASMED Staff 2. ISEC Committee. 1.7 Significance of Undertaking 1. Development Team. This undertaking can help those who are interested to implement this undertaking further.This is because this undertaking will plan the undertaking harmonizing to the societal entrepreneurship constructs and it will do easy for them to develop the system. 2. ISEC Community. Once the undertaking have been implemented, it will give benefits to ISEC commission and community in footings of prosecuting the community and the information sing ISEC activities can be informed in more proper ways. Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter purpose to reexamine the relevant literature of the portal development construct, community battle construct and societal entrepreneurship construct. 2.1 Portal Development 2.1.1 Definition of Portal. The portal is an individual log-on online campus services which would supply pupils with entree to online university web sites, and class information from any location. ( Cabacungan, Clark, Feldman, Flamm, Ford, etc.,2002 ) . Webopedia.com ( n.d, as cited in Maltz, 2005 ) defined a portal as a web site or service which provides many services and maps such as intelligence, hunt engines, electronic mail, forums which can pull a immense figure of users. Whereas â€Å" What is Portal † ( n.d ) defined portal as all in one web sites which contains the aggregation of information from different beginnings and incorporate it with individual entree point.Tatnall ( 2005 ) described portals as a door which enables users to entree to the other web sites by utilizing cyberspace, intranet or extranet. 2.1.2 Portal Categorization There are many types of portals as listed byTatnall in 2005 as described below: 1. General/Mega Portals. The end for this portal is to go the mainpage for their user to entree to the other websites.Free electronic mail, links to chew the fat room, shopping web sites, contains the information and intelligence about athleticss and current issues are some of the services provided by the general portal.They make their money through the advertizement, and the success of this portal are measured by their figure of visitants. 2. Vertical Industry Portals. These portals fundamentally focused on the specific industries such as wellness attention, bivouacing equipment and steel merchandises. 3. Horizontal Industry Portals. These portals are based around a group of industries and it provide their user with the information on a broad country of subjects. 4. Community Portals. It managed by community groups to portion their common involvements among each other. 5. Enterprise Information Portals. This portal designed for business-to-employee ( B2E ) processes. It enable the employees to entree and portion data.Usually can be entree utilizing intranet connexion. 6. E-marketplace Portals. It is an drawn-out of endeavor information portals but it can be entree to a company ‘s extranet connexion. Very helpful for business-to-business procedures such as engagement, reserve and supply of points. The purpose to cut down cost and to guarantee the services or order will get on clip 7. Personal/Mobile Portals. This portal was designed to do easy for nomadic user to pass on particularly from a distance. 8. Information Portals. This portal contains specific types of information such the athleticss information portals dedicated to supply information about athleticss. 2.1.3 Common Features of Portal. A research done by Butters in 2003 shown there are common characteristics in portal development. He listed as below: Utilities which includes electronic mail history, calendar and contriver. User profiling-The information about an user based on their involvements and background ( Schiaffino A ; Amandi, 2009 ) . Resource find including subject-specific and individual mark on. News/News provender. Community communicating which contains message boards and on-line treatment. Advertising refers as the advertizements through the utilizing of cyberspace. Maltz in 2005 listed the common characteristics of portal as below: Single mark on- A individual user designation and watchword will enable a user to entree all authorized systems without holding to log on in individually ( Anchan and Pegah, 2003 ) . Role-Based hallmark Newss and proclamation. Search engine. Calendar. Student information system. Directories Harmonizing to Cabacungan, Clark, Feldman, Flamm, Ford, etc ( 2002 ) , agreed with Maltz in naming the common standards of pupil portal specifically. They added pupil portal should hold: Learning Management System-Is an information system that monitors the acquisition classs and keeps path of pupil advancement records ( Brown A ; Johnson, 2007 ) . From a research based on the literature reappraisal, a functionalities that serves in pupil portal should hold characteristics as shows in the following tabular array. No. Title Author / Source Identified Functionalities 1. What features in portal? Butters, 2003 ‘http: //www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue35/butters -Utilities -User profiling -Resource find -News -Community Communication -Advertising -Leisure -Miscellaneous services. 2. Leadership development plan 2001/2002: Student portal undertaking. Cabacungan, Clark, Feldman, Flamm, Ford, etc.,2005. -Single mark on -Role-Based Authentication -Learning Management System -Search engine -Calendar -Student Information System. 3. Portals: A Personal Door to the Information Enterprise Maltz,2005 -Single mark on -Role-Based Authentication -Search engine -Calendar -Student Information System. -News and proclamation -Directories. 2.4.2 Types of Open Source For Portal Development. In this subdivision, researcher place several unfastened beginning application model to be choose for the planing the ICE-Port prototype.There are several application model identified, as described below. 1. Jetspeed. Harmonizing to ibm.com/developerWork ( n.d ) , Jetspeed, written in Java linguistic communication is a Apache Sofware Foundation merchandise, an unfastened beginning for the development a portal. Released under the Apache License, all entree to the portal is controlled through a portal security policy Provided tools for developers and user interface interior decorators, the purpose of Jetspeed is to let the rapidly portal development. It supports a assortment of entree medium such as web browsers and nomadic devices and has been widely implemented. 2.uPortal Using an unfastened standards-based engineerings such as Java and XML, uPortal provided an easy individual mark on campus application and stop user customization.A particular factor of uPortal is it is focal points on the development of universities portal. However, it still provided the common characteristics of portal. 3.LifeRay Portal A free MIT licensing fees, LifeRay is designed for easiness of usage and provided functionalities such as web logs, wikis and message boards.It allows the terminal users to custom-make their pages utilizing predefined portlets or appliance. Jetspeed uPortal LifeRay Beginnings Table 2.4.1: Comparison between unfastened beginning to be selected and used for prototyping. 2.2 Community Engagement 2.2.1 Definition. In the Principles of Community Engagement Second Edition, the writers described community battle as: â€Å" †¦ the procedure of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic propinquity, particular involvement, or similar state of affairss to turn to issues impacting the wellbeing of those people † . Communities Scotland ( 2007 ) explained community battle is the procedure of affecting people in determinations that affect them, by affecting communities in the planning, development and direction of services. BlackBoard.com ( n.d ) stated, with the community battle, it can assist: To present the online communicating for campus, groups or nines. Be more efficient in presenting intelligence and proclamation based on the user ‘s function. Support multiple unit with different demands. 2.2.2 Community engagement theoretical account. Harmonizing to Hashagen in 2002, there are 6 theoretical accounts for community battle as described below: 1. Consultation/public engagement theoretical accounts. This theoretical account is frequently use by public governments in acquiring the sentiment from the society and community.It includes studies, forums and treatment and sentiment polls. 2. Asset-based/social economic system theoretical accounts. These focal point on recognizing the value of the physical assets and human resources of a community, and seek to maximize the community control over, and benefit from these assets. 3. Community democracy theoretical accounts. These set out to widen local democracy into the community by, in consequence, set uping an informal community grade of authorities. 4.Identify based theoretical accounts. Typically it is come from the minority groups. 5. Learning-led and popular instruction theoretical accounts. It focused on edifice and back uping the accomplishments and involvements among community members.It will inform the members about preparation, employment and accomplishments development chances. 6.Service development theoretical accounts. This theoretical account purpose to assist in place the community jobs and happen a manner to work out the job. For illustration this theoretical account was applied by young person nine, athleticss nine and many other nines by act as a voluntary. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation as cited by†¦ †¦ listed community battle theoretical accounts in 5 ways: 1.Providing Information. Supply information about activities to the community. 2.Consultation. Community allowed to give any feedback or sentiments sing any issues. 3.Deciding together. Involved community in determination devising. 4.Acting together. Making and moving together in determination devising. 5.Supporting independent community involvement. Gives support to commission to develop their docket. No. Title Author / Source Identified Models 1. Models of Community Engagement Hashagen, 2003 ‘https: //www.dundeecity.gov.uk/dundeecity/uploaded_publications/publication_283.pdf ‘ -Consultation/public engagement theoretical accounts. -Asset-Based/social economic system theoretical accounts. -Community democracy theoretical accounts. -Identify based theoretical accounts. -Learning-led and popular instruction theoretical accounts. -Service development theoretical accounts. 2. Good pattern in community battle from an equalitive position. Equality and Human Rights Commission,2009. ‘http: //www.equalityhumanrights.com/uploaded_files/good_practice_in_community_engagement.pdf ‘ -Providing information. -Consultation. -Deciding together. -Acting together. -Supporting independent community involvement. Table 2.2.2 The theoretical accounts of community battle. From the reappraisal of community battle theoretical account, researcher choose to use the theoretical accounts as described by Equality and Human Right Commission in 2009, which are the combination of supplying information theoretical account, audience, moving together and back uping independent community involvement model.Researcher found all these theoretical accounts more relevant to be applied because ICE-Port will supply the information about the ISEC and plans will be conducted, let community to give an sentiment about any related issues, and it will give support to community to develop their docket. 2.3 Entrepreneurship 2.3.1 Definition Harmonizing Martin and Osberg ( 2007 ) , entrepreneurship can be defined as the designation, ability and chance to make a new concern or endeavor with the purpose to convey something new to the universe. Entrepreneurship can be referred as the procedure of making something new which has to hold value to the stakeholders, or people for which it is developed, have return values to an enterpriser and presuming hazards such as fiscal, phsycological and societal countries ( Hisrich, Robert, Peters A ; Shepherd, 2005 ) . BusinessDictionary.com defined entrepreneurship as the ability and preparedness to take any hazards in order to do a net income through the development and organisation of concern venture. 2.3.2 Types of entrepreneurship Blank ( 2011 ) listed there are 4 types of entrepreneurship which can be described as below: Business Entrepreneurship. Social Entrepreneurship Is an entrepreneurship construct which focuses on the resolution of societal demands by producig merchandises and services.It can be for net income or non net income but it is non to make net income for the investors. 2.3.3 Entrepreneurship rules. 2.4 Social Entrepreneurship 2.4.1 Definition. Hibbert, Hogg and Quinn in 2001 has defined societal entrepreneurship as the using the entrepreneuship rules for societal mission impact instead than for net incomes and that net incomes will be used to work out a societal demands to specific group.While Pomerantz in 2003 defined societal entrepreneurship as either single societal enterprisers and non-profit organisations action in the development of advanced, mission supporting and making jobs.Lasprogata and Cotton ( 2003 ) agreed societal entrepreneurship as the non- net incomes organisations approach which will give a greater impact on their societal mission by using the entrepreneurial rules. Social entrepreneurship as defined by Dees is the combination of societal rules and concern rules and it is differentiated from the other types of entrepreneurship by its mission related impact ( Barley, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to Seelos and Mair ( 2005 ) , societal entrepreneurship refers to the attempt for compitently fulfill basic homo demands which unable to fulfill by utilizing current system. It is besides the combination between the traditional entrepreneurship with some added value to alter society. Nicholls ( 2006 ) agreed societal entrepreneurship as the utilizing the existing resources to convey societal impacts through the advanced activities and making new opportunities.Mair ( 2008 ) besides defined societal entrepreneurship as the procedure to fulfill basic demands which unable to fulfill by the organisations involved with the aim to do betterment in societal and economic structure.In other words, societal entrepreneurship can be defined as the designation of new solution and chances to address the job of unequal distribution of societal which consequences from conventional systems ( â€Å" Defining Social Entrepreneurship † , n.d ) . Another definition by Zadek and Thake ( 1997, as cited in Noruzi, Westover A ; Rahimi, 2010 ) societal entrepreneurship is the invention with the mission to make societal impact instead than personal or profit impact. As cited in SME ‘s Entrepreneurship and Innovation in 2010, Cochran ( 2007 ) defined societal entrepreneurship as the resolution of societal jobs by using the entrepreneurship principles.Zhara, Gedajlovic, Neubaum, Shulman ( 2008 ) as cited by SME ‘s, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in 2010 suggested societal entrepreneurship as the mission to convey societal wealth through its activities and making new chances and ventures in an advanced manner. 2.4.2 Differences between societal entrepreneurship and concern entrepreneurship There are many treatment about the differences between concern and societal entrepreneurship. Boschee and McClurg ( 2003 ) distinguish the concern and societal entrepreneurship as stated below: Social Responsibility Business entrepreneurship by and large do no set a direct attempt on work outing the societal jobs. This signifier of entrepreneurship dramas their societal functions through charity plan such as contribution and hold a good relationship with their employees. Whereas societal entrepreneurship attempt are straight attached to societal jobs. For illustration the societal enterprisers will engage handicapped, populating in poorness and former captives who are hard to acquire a occupation. Performance Measurement Business entrepreneurship measured their public presentation by fiscal consequences. The success or failure of undertaking is determined by the economic value to the proprietors or investors. Social entrepreneurship public presentation are measured by both societal and fiscal returns The net income are re-invested to accomplish the societal mission. Mair and Marti in 2006 described the differences between concern and societal entrepreneurship as below: Aims. Business entrepreneurship precedence given to economic value. Whereas societal entrepreneurship precedence given to societal value. This does non intend the net incomes do non necessary in societal entrepreneurship, it is besides of import to guarantee the attempt sustainability and autonomy. Uhlig ( n.d ) with the same sentiment besides stated: Percept of Value. For concern entrepreneurship, the enterpriser and investors will concentrate for the return on investing as the chief value. While societal entrepreneurship lies in the societal impact and benefits which can work out the societal jobs and demands. The value for net income besides of import to re-invested for the following societal entrepreneurship activities. Wealth Creation Approach. â€Å" The concern entrepreneurship is driven to introduce within a commercial market, to the ultimate benefit of consumers. If successful, the invention creates wealth. The venture ‘s success is gauged by how much wealth it creates † . â€Å" To the societal entrepreneurship, wealth creative activity is necessary, but non for its ain interest. Rather, wealth is merely a tool the enterpriser uses to consequence societal alteration. The grade to which heads are changed, enduring is alleviated or unfairness is reversed represents the organisation ‘s success. † 2.4.3 Differences between societal entrepreneurship and charity ( traditional non-profit ) Social entrepreneurship besides differed from charity. Meldrum in 2011 described the differences as below: Role of Social Value Creation. The charity exist to redistribute income aggregation to those needed. While societal entrepreneurship making the new thoughts in order to better and give benefits to society. Social Structure. Charity works within bing constructions in society. However, societal entrepreneurship will place the societal jobs and creates chances to work out the job. Purpose. Charity to ease of load while societal entrepreneurship intent is to better the societal status. Fiscal In footings of fiscal, charity chiefly financed through contribution while societal entrepreneurship financed through the conducted activities. While Boschee and McClurg in 2003 differentiate societal entrepreneurship and traditional non net income as belows: Sustainability and Autonomy. Charity has been driven by a dependence theoretical account, trusting chiefly on voluntarism and governement or upper direction support in footings of income.The writers besides believed every bit long as the charity organisation depends on the 3rd party, they will ne’er go sustainable and self sufficient. For societal entrepreneurship, the aid from the authorities and voluntary are welcome, but they do non chiefly depends on it. Based on the definition and comparing between societal entrepreneurship construct and the other constructs, in general, societal entrepreneurship can be clearly described as below: Characteristics/ Beginnings Social Mission Business Principles Non-Profit For-Profit Invention Hibbert, Hogg A ; Quinn ( 2001 ) / / / / Pomerantz ( 2003 ) / / / Lasprogata A ; Cotton ( 2003 ) / / / / Dees as cited by Barley ( 2009 ) / / Seelos A ; Mair ( 2005 ) / / Nicholls ( 2006 ) / / Mair ( 2008 ) / Specifying Social Entrepreneurship ( n.d ) . / / Zadek and Thake ( 1997 ) cited by Noruzi, Westover A ; Rahimi, 2010 / / / / Cochran ( 2007 ) as cited by SME ‘s Entrepreneurship and Innovation ( 2010 ) / / Zhara, Gedajlovic, Neubaum, Shulman ( 2008 ) , as cited by SME ‘s Entrepreneurship and Innovation ( 2010 ) / / / Austin, Stevenson, Wei-Killer ( 2006 ) / Meldrum ( 2011 ) / / Uhlig ( n.d ) / / Boschee A ; McClur ( 2003 ) / / / Table 2.4 The component of societal entrepreneurship From the literature reappraisal, research worker has identified the societal entrepreneurship construct related to be applied for the design of ICE-Port. In general, all the literature stated shared the same thoughts about the societal entrepreneurship that are its nonsubjective is to decide the societal job, and the plans are societal enterprisers invention and it is applied concern entrepreneurship rules. Social entrepreneurship besides is for non-profit organisation which deriving and re-investing net income for the following entrepreneurial programs.From the literature, researcher agreed on Hibbert, Hogg and Quinn review.They has defined societal entrepreneurship as the using the entrepreneuship rules for societal mission impact instead than for net incomes and that net incomes will be used to work out a societal demands to specific group.This sentiment more relevant for this undertaking because it is non merely concentrate on the societal mission but besides using entrepreneursh ip rules as stated in the literature early.Since ISEC is a non-profit association, the net income addition from the plans conducted will be reinvested for the following ISEC programs.This undertaking besides will non merely focuses on ISEC community societal demands, but it will looking to the broad country of societal jobs which can non be satisfy by the conventional approach.From the research worker position, it is non needfully to introduce new plans, but it can besides accommodate the being societal mission plans, harmonizing to UiTM pupils environment. 2.4.4 Features in Social Entrepreneurship Websites. Dees ( 2001 ) stated the term of societal entrepreneurship may be something new but the phenomenon is non. There are many societal enterprisers before even cipher name them with that term.For a long clip, entrepreneurship does benefits society by bring forthing new, utile and valuable merchandises and provides more occupation chances. ( Austin, Stevenson A ; Skillern, 2006 ) . Martin A ; Osberg ( 2001 ) besides stated the rebranding by utilizing the societal entrepreneurship term is quickly pulling attending from many sectors. In 2006, the Nobel Prize Award to Mohammad Yunus, the laminitis for the Gramen Bank which has helped 1000s of people, largely adult females, out of poorness, thrust societal entrepreneurship into the planetary attending ( Noruzi, Westover A ; Rahimi, 2010 ) . He believed that the hapless people have under-utilized accomplishments because of the conservative systems and constructions fail to supply the necessary resources to them. From this issue, he founded the Gramen Bank in 1976 to supply loans to the hapless people in his hometown, Bangladesh ( Seelos A ; Mair,2005 ) .Other than Yunus, there are many societal enterprisers and they are utilizing internet platform in advancing their societal mission.Researcher have done some reappraisal on the societal entrepreneurship websites to place the characteristics of societal entrepreneurship web sites. Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) In support their pupils societal involvements and demands, MIT provide a broad scope of support for societal activities.It aid pupils to acquire involved in the societal issues and function communities itself.The characteristics provided in hypertext transfer protocol: //web.mit.edu/mitpsc are: What We Do-Describes the activities among their communities involved such as volunteering plan, family and internship, grants and service acquisition. Opportunities-Includes the public service undertakings outside the campus such as: Service Fair -It ‘s a great chance to happen out about community service that matches your involvements. Civic Engagement-Interaction among communities and authorities including take part in political mass meeting and vote enrollment. Yunus Challenge-New waste development such as medical equipment waste and waste direction. Davis Project For Peace-For MIT undergraduate pupils, this plan provide $ 10 000 family for undertaking that promotes peace, to be implemented during a summer. Support the PSC with donation-Special plans for MIT alumnas association who want to maintain back uping the plan by give a contribution. Buzzbank Buzzbnk is an online crowd support platform that advancing societal ventures to all walks of life and gaining fund for the demands of the community to do the thoughts become world. The community can pass their money and clip, and besides convey the societal message among their friends.Buzzbnk charges 5 percent fee on fund raised for each venture.According to https: //www.buzzbnk.org/ , the characteristics were included are: Explore Projects contains the lists of undertaking have done and approaching projects.Examples of undertakings are Provide Sustainable Homes for Women, Pants to Poverty and Our No Spray Potato Can Feed the World. Searching which specified on the societal entrepreneurship elements such as hunt for highest support undertaking, highest support sum, most popular undertaking and merely started project.Users besides can seek based on the classs such as animate beings, art, instruction and environment. Make a Loan-The inside informations on how to be the fundraiser. Submit Project- Allow their community to convey the thought to do support become world. Kiva Was founded in 2005, Kiva is a non-profit organisation with a mission to prosecute people through their activities in cut downing the poorness rate.Kiva lets persons impart from $ 25 to assist people in need.Social entrepreneurship characteristics included in Kiva web site, hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kiva.org are: How Kiva works-Describe the procedures to affect in Kiva activities. Kiva Social Performance-Identify single societal public presentation strength such as Anti-Poverty, Vulnerable Group and Family and Community Empowerment. Community-contains list of members which have lend their money harmonizing to the specific societal group such as alumnas, concern, spiritual, young person and athleticss. Get down some good Harmonizing to Ueland ( 2011 ) , Start Some Good is a site for societal enterprisers to gather a community and raise the financess needed to make alteration. Its end is to be the best platform for societal enterprisers to establish and turn the advanced ventures needed to better communities and the universe. Anyone including for- net income and non-profit-making organisation can affect in fund-raising runs. It charges 5 per centum of the sum raised.Features included in hypertext transfer protocol: //startsomegood.com are: Support good-Promoting and back uping the societal activities organized by the other party. Discover good-Contains lists of discover ventures such as Do Good Bus, Real Good Food and LearnToLive. Start good-The community can get down and propose their thoughts on societal ventures and the Start some good committe will supply the resources to get down the activities.This is to enable their community to make the hereafter they want for their communities. Community-Start some good community enrollment and battle. From a research based on the literature reappraisal, a functionalities that serves in societal entrepreneurship web sites should hold characteristics as shows in the following tabular array. Features/Organization Massachusetts institute of technology Buzzbnk Kiva Get down some good How it works? / / / Allow community to get down any new undertaking / / / Lists of undertakings / / / / Searching based on societal service involvements / / / / Alumni societal services plans. / / / Table 2.4.4 Social Entrepreneurship websites characteristics. The reappraisal on the common characteristics of societal entrepreneurship web sites besides help researcher to understand its concept.From the literature reappraisal of the common websites characteristics of societal entrepreneurship construct, research worker can reason the of import characteristics to be included are how does the portal work for the societal enterprisers to affect and show their thoughts towards the activities to be conducted, the different societal entrepreneurship undertakings classs such as about environment, humanity, animate beings and education.Other than that, the portal users should able to happen the societal plans harmonizing to their involvements and the ISEC alumnas should acquire involved in the plans by carry oning the particular societal mission plans for them. 2.4 Summary. In this subdivision, the treatment of related literature reappraisal has been made to back up this undertaking. From the analysis of the Table 2.4, research worker has agreed with Hibbert, Hogg and Quinn reappraisal. Basically all of the writers shared the same thought, but the thought from these writers more relevant to be applied in ICE-Port.From the Table 2.4.4, research worker has choose to unite the all 4 common characteristics from the societal entrepreneurship web sites, which are the description of the process to be involved in the plan conducted, it will let their community to get down any new undertaking, ICE-Port besides will included the list of the undertakings with the inside informations, provide hunt map based on societal enterprisers involvement and will let ISEC alumnas to acquire involved with the plans. Chapter 3 PROJECT METHODOLOGY This chapter describes about undertaking methodological analysis, stages, activities and its deliverables. 3.1 Methodology. This undertaking uses the methodological analysis as described in Figure 3.1 as a guideline to accomplish the purpose of the undertaking. It consists of three stages. This methodological analysis is of import to guarantee the aims of this undertaking can be achieved. Figure 3.1 illustrates the overview of the undertaking attack and methodological analysis that will be used in planing the ICE-Port. Phase Activities Deliverables Problem Designation -Discuss current job with ISEC commission. -Collect the diary and articles and analyze on societal entrepreneurship construct. -Review the literatures on the common characteristics of pupil portal. -Review the literatures on the common characteristics of societal entrepreneurship web sites -Description of job statement, purpose, acope, aims and the significance of undertaking. -The construct of societal entrepreneurship identified. -The common characteristics of pupil portal identified. -The common characteristics of pupil portal identified. 1st objective-Project proposal. Requirement and Analysis -Analysis and choosing functionalities for ICE-Port. -Analysis and choosing the functionalities of ICE-Port with the societal entrepreneurship construct. – Requirement confirmation Develop paradigm of ICE Port on selected SE functionalities. Create confirmation cheque templet. -Verify functionalities of a SE in ICE-Port through paradigm presentation with the user. -Description of functionalities of ICE-Port as harmonizing to SE construct. -SE functionalities for ICE-Port are identified. -The paradigm for ICE-Port is demonstrated and verified. -Checklist of confirmation on paradigm. -SRS 2nd nonsubjective Design -Designing theoretical account Identify suited application model Customized the design of selected application model harmonizing to SE functionalities -ICE-Port paradigm designed. -SDD -Project presentation by using SE paradigm. 3rd nonsubjective Figure 3.1 Project Methodology. 3.2 Methodology Description 3.2.1 Problem Identification Phase. In this stage, a preliminary interview session is prepared to help the research worker to behavior an interview.The purpose of carry oning the interview is to place the job of the undertaking. For this undertaking, research worker has done informal treatment with ISEC commission. Problem statement, the purpose, range, aims and significance of the undertaking has been identified.To derive the apprehension on the societal entrepreneurship construct, research worker has collect and analyse the diaries and articles on societal entrepreneurship.Researcher besides has reappraisal on the common characteristics of portal and societal entrepreneurship web sites. The deliverables of this stage are the description of job statement, undertaking purpose, aims, range and significance of undertaking, societal entrepreneurship construct designation, the common characteristics of pupil portal and societal entrepreneurship web sites, undertaking agenda and the undertaking proposal. 3.2.2 Requirement and Analysis. In this stage, the activities to be conducted are analysis the functionalities of ICE- Port harmonizing to the societal entrepreneurship construct and the identified functionalities will be selected for the design of ICE-Port. The demand confirmation will be conducted through the paradigm presentation with the user. The deliverables of this stage are the description of functionalities of ICE-Port as harmonizing to societal entrepreneurship construct, the checklist on the confirmation of paradigm and SRS will besides be produced. 3.2.3 Design. In the design stage, research worker will happen and place the suited application model for the development of portal and theoretical account will be designed. The selected application model will be customized harmonizing to societal entrepreneurship functionalities. The deliverables of this stage are SDD, and planing the concluding paradigm for ICE-Port. 3.3 Summary. This chapter discussed on the methodological analysis to be used for the project.Project methodological analysis is of import for the research worker as a guideline and guarantee the research worker to non divert from the undertaking scope.Currently, this undertaking has done the first stage that is job designation. Chapter 4 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Chapter 5 Undertaking Plan This subdivision will depict the undertaking program and work breakdown construction for this undertaking. 5.1 Project Timeline The planned agenda of this undertaking as described in Table 5.1 below. No Undertaking Duration ( Days ) Start End 1 Semester 5 – Undertaking Formulation 105 10 Sep 2012 27 Dis 2012 2 Problem Designation 7 10 Sep 2012 17 Sep 2012 3 Identify Research Area 4 Identify Supervisor A A A 5 Individual Assessment 94 21 Sep 2012 27 Dis 2012 6 Undertaking Topic 2 21 Sep 2012 23 Sep 2012 7 Preliminary Probe 14 24 Sep 2012 8 Oct 2012 8 Research Background 5 15 Oct 2012 19 Oct 2012 9 Undertaking Aim, Scope, Objective and Problem Statement Submission 2 4 Nov 2012 6 Nov 2012 10 Literature Review Submission 1 3 Nov 2012 4 Nov 2012 11 Develop Research Methodology 9 5 Nov 2012 13 Nov 2012 12 Mock Up Presentation 2 17 Nov 2012 18 Nov 2012 13 Proposal Presentation 17 A 26 Nov 2012 A 13 Dis 2012 14 Proposal Submission 17 10 Dis 2012 27 Dis 2012 No Undertaking Duration ( Weeks ) Start ( Month ) 1 Semester 6 – Undertaking Formulation 12 2 Requirement Analysis 3 Analysis and choosing the functionalities of ICE-Port with the societal entrepreneurship construct. 4 Feb 2013 4 Fixing SRS and paradigm 4 March2013 5 Requirement Verification and Validation 1 April2012 6 7 Design 8 Find suited application architecture model. 9 Identify design of selected application model 1 April 2013 10 11 SDD and Prototype 12 Customized the design of selected model harmonizing to SE functionalities 4 May 2013 Table 5.1 The undertaking timeline is of import to gauge the continuance of your undertaking, and place order in which activities should be performed.Currently this undertaking has done with Semester 5 undertaking preparation timeline.The following phases will be started on February 2003.The undertaking appraisal by utilizing Gantt Chart is attached in the Appendix subdivision. Chapter 6 ANTICIPATED RESULT AND CONCLUSION This chapter discusses the description of the expected consequence of proposed undertaking and the decision. 6.1 Anticipated Consequence The awaited consequence from this undertaking is to plan an ICE-Port based on the analysis of the identified societal entrepreneurship concept.The design will be represented in a paradigm and SDD.This undertaking is expected to be completed in two semesters ( refer to the undertaking agenda in Appendix ) . 6.2 Decision The execution of this undertaking tends to turn to the less of the engagement in the entrepreneurship activities jobs among UiTM pupils. Since ISEC commission confronting a job on advancing their activities to the community, ISEC was chosen to reflect for this project.Social entrepreneurship construct was chosen because it is more suited in the pupils environment.With the awaited consequence explained above, it is expectantly that this undertaking will give benefits for the ISEC community and the proclamation or publicity for the entrepreneurship activities can be more effectual and attractive. Appendix Academic survey program which entrepreneurship class has been highlighted as one of the compulsory topic in some faculities.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Psychology of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Psychology of Marketing - Essay Example This might not have been possible without the existence of those valuable possessions. This approach depicts a unique psychology of the consumers, which would be discussed in details in this essay. This trait or characteristics which the consumers portray can be evaluated within the domain of the consumer behaviour. The psychology of consumers cannot be understood without referring to the personal values. Though consumer researchers have largely ignored the importance of value in consumer behaviour, but consumer value has shown signs of being a challenging area in consumer research. Personal values have significant implications for the consumer researchers. The term value means different things in different disciplines. In anthropology value signifies the social elements which drives out or provokes reaction from an individual. In case of sociology, value means to focus on the customs or ideologies. It is a concept which groups together to form a mode of behaviour in the society. Psy chology examines value from the perspective of personal motives and attitudes. Values are accountable for the assortment and protection of the goals which human beings struggle to achieve and at the same time regulate the manner and the method in which the struggle takes place (Vinson, Scott, and Lamont, 2002, p. 44-45). Possession reveals the characteristics of the possessor. So if possession is measured in terms of material values, then a relationship can be drawn between personal values and possession. The link between these two aspects is materialism. Materialism is actually the value which symbolizes the perspective of an individual regarding the position possession should have in his/her life. It has been discussed that the individual holding solid material values put possession and also acquisition of such as a centre of their lives. Value possessions are means to achieve happiness and acts as an indicator of success for the possessor. Thus it can be said that materialism is closed tied to value possession and its usage in an individual’s life (Richins, 1994, p. 522). In this context the difference between personality and value can also be studied. Value has an evaluative component which lacks personality and it relates to our belief that we should do. Personality on the other hand involves those things that we naturally do, without pretending what we are doing. Personality traits of an individual do not conflict with each other, but values do (Parks, and Guay 2009, p. 677).The perception, values, attitudes, self-concept affects the consumption pattern of an individual. It reflects the type of products or services the consumer is willing to use or required. The consumption pattern is also largely affected by personality traits of an individual such as aggressiveness, compulsivity, etc. Apart from this self-identity, or self concept also affects consumption. The elements of value such as ethics, materialism, influence the buying behaviour or consu mer behaviour largely (Ruvio, and Shoham, 2011, p. 1089-1091). There are three psychological terms that needs to be discussed in this context are the self-image, self-identity and self concept. It becomes important to discuss these concepts which evaluating the significance of personal values and possessions. Self image denotes the total subjective insight of oneself, which includes the impression of the individuals’ personality and capabilities. It has been also said that self-image is the mental

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Organizational Behavior Similarities Between Humans and Elephants Essay

Organizational Behavior Similarities Between Humans and Elephants - Essay Example Among their unique characteristics are having a long and flexible snout (proboscis), elongated incisor teeth (tusk) and a placenta just like humans. They have other distinguishing features which are not very obvious such as obscure features in their teeth, shoulders and ankles; they are one of the very few hoof mammals to have retained five toes (other mammals have only four or fewer toes). Discussion Elephants exhibit a remarkable high level of intelligence; this makes up for their very slow gaits which usually has an adverse effect on wild animals because slow-moving animals are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to escaping their predators. Their big size is a big help in their fight for survival since they have very few enemies in the wild; however, there is another characteristic of elephants which is their complex level of organizational behaviors. It is this social behavior which has allowed them to outlive other species in the wild as it makes them highly organized in t erms of foraging for food, looking for water sources and in fighting off predators; elephants also learn throughout their lifetimes (Haynes 64). Elephants are highly-socialized animals. They live in groups, tend to stay with their relatives, form into familial and kin groupings similar to human clans, highly gregarious and in general associate with other members of their herd. The social behavior of the elephants is very complex because they live very long lives (ibid.) and elephants are suspected to use the same type of personal individual identification as humans when they communicate with each other. They largely maintain long-term relationships; elephant groups are female-centered. By using infrasonic (low-frequency) calls, elephants can communicate with all the other group members and identify an elephant’s individual identity (Breed & Moore 196). The elephants are also very adaptive in their behaviors, with females influencing the males (Wasser 30). Social System of Ele phants – their social system is hierarchical and matriarchal. It is usually the oldest female elephant that is the recognized leader of the group. The rest of the group members follow their matriarch in search of food and water to areas which are recalled by the matriarch’s memory bank. Studies showed that elephant groups without a matriarch are often very tentative in which direction to go because no one gives the order (Dagg 32). An elephant herd needs a large territory because it has an inefficient digestive tract, able to digest and absorb only half the food an elephant eats (O’Connell 235) and needs a big grazing area. The study of elephant behavior will have a great bearing on efforts to ensure their survival. The herd behavior of elephants exhibit striking similarities to human behavior in the social organization sphere. There is an acknowledged leader in a group and this is the oldest female elephant (matriarch) but other female members (sisters, aunts, nieces, cousins, etc.) take a collective effort in caring for their young. It is the matriarch, together with the several generations of relatives, who will gather the group into a close-knit unit that will suddenly take a charge and stampede a perceived threat (AWF 1). Elephants use a variety of ways to communicate such as by sound, smell and stamping the ground (Waal & Tyack 79). Stress Conditions – elephants are very similar to human beings in many ways. One

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Performance appraisal methods Essay Example for Free

Performance appraisal methods Essay In order to succeed in the market, companies need to ensure they provide efficient management of human resources. Companies can perform well only in such a case when all of the employees are able to realize their potential, apply their skills and make sufficient contribution to the development of the company. Performance appraisal is particularly important for all of the organizations because it enables them to determine the contribution of every employee to the performance of the company. Performance appraisal is currently one of the most important issues in human resources management which â€Å"continues to be a subject of interest and importance to human resource specialists. † (Hornsby et al. 1996, p. 10). Bernardin Klatt (1985); Hall, Posner, Hardner (1989); Maroney Buckley (1992); Thomas Bretz (1994) have all devoted considerable attention to the development of theoretical models of performance appraisal. How can a manager of the organization make a conclusion about the necessity to promote this or that employee, increase of decrease his salary, shift him to another department? How can the manager decide which employee needs special training or which can perform on the highest level without additional training? The most efficient tool in such a case is performance appraisal. If carried out correctly and on the basis of efficient methods, performance appraisal can be very helpful for the evaluation of employees’ work. â€Å"Companies that hope to succeed in todays competitive business environment must learn to identify their most capable employees for placement in key organizational appointments. To do this, managers should devote more attention to maximizing the effectiveness of performance appraisal systems. (Mcbey 1994, p. 23). Appraisal methods for the performance of the customer care supervisor in Fabulous. com require both the application of generally recognized methods of performance appraisal and their slight adjustment to the specification of the position. On one hand, this position needs to be appraised with the help of commonly used principles and methods. On the other hand, it requires deep understanding of the functions which customer care supervisor needs to perform daily, his responsibilities, all of the complication which can occur in the process of the fulfillment of his responsibilities. The choice of appraisal methods needs to be guided by the specifications of the position. In order to make a decision about the appraisal method which will be used for the position of customers care supervisor, it is necessary to analyze all of the most well-known methods of performance appraisal in relation to their effectiveness for this position. What needs to be kept in mind is that there is no possibility to find one completely efficient method. All of the methods will have both advantages and disadvantages. After more than 30 years of serious research†¦ it seems that little progress has been made in developing an efficient and psychometrically sound alternative to the traditional graphic rating scale. One major conclusion to be drawn from this research is that there is no easy way to get accurate and informative performance data. † (Rice 1985, p. 30). Even though there is no possibility to determine a completely accurate method, some tools of performance appraisal need to be used in any case because â€Å"timely, useful, and accepted feedback can help individuals make great strides toward optimal performance. (Coyens, Jenkins 2001, p. 34). Comparative standards include straight ranking method; alternative ranking method; paired comparison method; forced distribution method. All of these methods are inappropriate for the position of customer care supervisor due to the specifics of his activities. Comparative standards can be very efficient for the types of job in which employees need to do exactly the same kind of work and it is possible to tell the differences between their performance. However, the position of customer care supervisor is created in order to maintain a solid relationship with customers and supervise all of the major activities dealing with customer service in the company. This is not the type of job in which employees’ performance can be compared because it is hard to find the criterion of comparison in such a case. Comparative standards application in performance appraisal of customer care supervisor would lead to inaccurate results. Besides, in customer care it is particularly important to make emphasize on the further improvement of performance of the supervisor. Comparative standards do not provide any information on that point. The straight ranking method is the simplest and the most inaccurate because it only enables to compare employees. It does not let the appraisers to perceive the qualities of the employee himself. Alternative ranking method, paired comparison method and forced distribution methods can all be used in manufacturing companies and organizations of similar type but they will be completely useless when appraising customer care supervisor at Fabulous. com. Absolute standards include narrative essay; critical incidents method; weighted checklists; forced choice; Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS); Behavioral Observations Scale (BOS). â€Å"With this style of appraisal, managers use written, absolute standards. Reviews are not based upon relative standing of the employee in a specific work group. Absolute methods facilitate intergroup comparison of employees in an organization. † (Mcbey 1994, p. 11). They are more efficient and could be applied for performance appraisal of the position of customer care supervisor. However, they have many disadvantages which need to be discussed. Narrative essay generally could give a good idea about the employee working at the position of customer care supervisor. However, it is more a qualitative description than a quantitative method of appraisal. It would not provide all of the important data about the performance of the employee. Critical incidents method is efficient only to some extent because it provides information about the employee’s behavior only in critical situations. The work of customer care supervisor does not always consist of critical situations, in fact, they are quite rare. That is why there is no sense the measure the employee’s performance with the help of this method. Weighted checklists can be useful but they have a very large impact of the appraiser’s opinion, and weighting coefficients can sometimes be applied incorrectly. Forced choice is not the most efficient method to be applied for the case of customer care supervisor because this method does not meet developmental needs and does not allow the appraiser to interpret the ratings correctly at times. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) are used quite frequently nowadays. BARS uses expected performance levels as a basis for the appraisal. Behavior is judged by a job analysis and comments from those in the same or similar jobs. Behavioral statements are developed for each job in the organization and are anchored by numerical scales. † (Mcbey 1994, p. 12). However, this method has some important disadvantages. â€Å"Although BARS provides excellent specific behavioral guidance for employees, it is among the most complex and difficult performance appraisal system that can be introduced, especially for smaller organizations without significant human resource staff capabilities. † (Mcbey 1994, p. 2). Other authors also point at the complexity of this method: â€Å"While advocates of BARS, particularly the consultants who do a thriving business with it, claim its a great leap forward, critics point to several drawbacks. The lengthy job analyses and complex scale construction require a major investment of a companys time and money. A scale designed for use in one department may not apply in another. † (Rice 1985, p. 32). In our opinion, there is no sense to apply very complicated performance appraisal techniques in our case because the position which is being analyzed is not the key position in the company. Such complex techniques should rather be used for employees occupying positions of senior- and top management. Behavioral Observations Scale (BOS) are very similar to BARS in their complexity. â€Å"The BOS system observes past performance as the standard for appraisal. BOS offers many of the same benefits as BARS, most notably concrete examples to guide employee behavior and developmental difficulty. † (Mcbey 1994, p. 13). The application of this method is also not efficient for the position which is being analyzed due to its over-complexity. Objectives-based approaches include Management by Objectives (MBO) and work standards approach. These approaches are the most suitable for the performance appraisal of the customer care supervisor because it is particularly important for the employee in the position to achieve his goals. There are types of jobs in which the goals are pre-determined for many years ahead of time: for example, a salesperson needs to ensure he or she sells as much merchandise available in the store as possible. There are no adjustments of this goal or any corrections because it is universal. The position dealing with customer care and maintenance of successful relationship with customers is very challenging and deals with change in many aspects. The goals constantly need to be re-adjusted according to the needs to customers. The capability of the customer care supervisor to achieve all of the goals is the measurement of his success in this position and his adequate performance. There can be no better appraisal methods for this position than objective-based approaches. Management by Objectives (MBO) is very useful in this case. â€Å"MBO became popular because, in theory, it can be tailored to each individual job and because it lets subordinates know how their performance will be measured and gives them specific, mutually-agreed-on goals. (Rice 1985, p. 33). Its mechanism is relatively simple. â€Å"As customarily practiced today, supervisors and their subordinates sit down at the beginning of each year, or every six months, and agree (often in writing) on specific goals to be accomplished. At the end of the period, the supervisors evaluate their subordinates in terms of how well they have met those objectives. † (Rice 1985, p. 33). Work standards approach is similar to MBO except that organizations determine goals and appraisal techniques on the basis of their past experience. Of course, there are some disadvantages of this method which need to be taken into consideration. For example, â€Å"one major weakness is the difficulty of setting reasonable goals well in advance, when they may be vulnerable to factors outside the employees control, such as economic conditions, labor problems and price increases. † (Rice 1985, p. 33). At the same time, this disadvantage can be interpreted as an advantage in such a case if the goals are constantly re-adjusted according to the needs of the consumers. In such a case, the performance appraisal method will work efficiently.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Makemedos Journey to Power in Aristophanes Birds :: Aristophane Birds Papers

Makemedo's Journey to Power in Aristophanes' Birds Humans have always journeyed in search of what they want and need. Our earliest ancestors were nomads, wandering the countryside in search of food and shelter. It is no surprise, then, that much of ancient and modern literature deals with the theme of the journey and getting what one wants. This is especially true in the writing of Aristophanes' Birds, from Aristophanes I: Clouds, Wasps, Birds, translated by Peter Meineck, published by the Hackett Publishing Company in Indianapolis, IN, in 1998. The main character, Makemedo, begins his journey by seeking a land free of worry and work, and ends it by becoming a divine ruler. His desire shifts from wanting a simple existence to wanting tremendous power. This change in his ultimate goal is shown throughout the play by a series of visits from other characters. Aristophanes uses the visitors as a way of mirroring Makemedo's journey on the path to power: the visitors represent the state of Makemedo's power, and the way he deals with them i s a reflection of his status. The first visitor on the path to power is Makemedo himself. He begins by journeying ". . . in search of a land free from hustle and bustle / where a man can just settle down and rest" (43-44). His original demands are simple, and his ultimate goal is to find the Hoopoe, a bird who used to be human, who will help him find such a land. Makemedo begins his journey as a seeker, delegating the power to the Hoopoe, who can help him obtain what he wants: We thought that you might be able to help us. That in all your flying about, you may have come across a nice soft and woolly city where two men can snuggle up and live in peace and tranquility. (119-122) The power is also in the hands of the birds themselves, who meet Makemedo and Goodhope with great hostility saying, "Now for these two old men, the penalty is clear: / Peck them to death! Tear them to shreds!" (337-338). Makemedo is in a position of very little power until he deviates from his original purpose and comes up with the idea for the birds to found their own city. The power shifts the moment the idea occurs to him. The birds are also won over: "Oh! What a transformation, from bitterest enemy to greatest friend! / You've won us over, from now on we're going to listen to you" (628-629).