Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Understanding Finance Essay Example

Understanding Finance Essay Example Understanding Finance Essay Understanding Finance Essay Money is the assignment of advantages and liabilities after some time under states of assurance and vulnerability. A key point in account is the time estimation of cash, which expresses that a unit of money today is worth more than a similar unit of money tomorrow. Fund plans to value resources dependent on their hazard level, and anticipated pace of return. Account can be broken into three distinctive sub classes: open fund, corporate money and individual fund. Substance [hide] 1 Areas of account 1. 1 Personal account 1. 2 Corporate fund 1. 2. 1 Financial administrations 1. 3 Public money 2 Capital 3 Financial hypothesis . 1 financial aspects 3. 2 Financial science 3. 3 Experimental fund 3. 4 Behavioral account 3. 5 Intangible resource money 4 Professional capabilities 5 See likewise 6 References 7 External connections Areas of finance[edit] Wall Street, the focal point of American account. Individual finance[edit] Main article: Personal fund Questions in close to home money spin around Protection against unanticipated individual occasions, just as occasions in the more extensive economy Transference of family across ages (endowments and legacy) Effects of assessment approaches (charge appropriations as well as punishments) on the executives of individual inances Effects of credit on individual budgetary standing Planning a safe monetary future in a situation of financial flimsiness Personal account may include paying for training, financing tough merchandise, for example, land and vehicles, purchasing protection, e. . wellbeing and property protection, contributing and putting something aside for retirement. Individual Tlnance may likewise Involve paylng Tor a credit, or aeot ODIlgatlons. I ne SIX Key territories of individual money related arranging, as recommended by the Financial Planning Standards Board, are:[l] Financial position: is worried about understanding th e individual assets accessible y looking at total assets and family unit income. Total assets is a people accounting report, determined by including all advantages under that people control, less all liabilities of the family, at one point in time. Family unit income aggregates up all the normal wellsprings of salary inside a year, short completely anticipated costs around the same time. From this examination, the money related organizer can decide to what degree and in what time the individual objectives can be practiced. Satisfactory insurance: the examination of how to shield a family unit from unexpected dangers. These dangers can be ivided into risk, property, demise, incapacity, wellbeing and long haul care. A portion of these dangers might act naturally insurable, while most will require the acquisition of a protection contract. Deciding how much protection to get, at the most practical terms requires information available for individual protection. Entrepreneurs, experts, competitors and performers require specific protection experts to enough ensure themselves. Since protection additionally appreciates some tax cuts, using protection speculation items might be a basic bit of the general nvestment arranging. Assessment arranging: ordinarily the personal duty is the single biggest cost in a family. Overseeing charges isn't an issue of in the event that you will make good on charges, however when and how much. Government gives numerous motivators as expense reasonings and credits, which can be utilized to diminish the lifetime taxation rate. Most present day governments utilize a dynamic expense. Regularly, as ones salary grows, a higher minor pace of expense must be paid. [citation needed] Understanding how to exploit the bunch tax cuts when arranging ones individual funds can have a critical effect. Venture and collection objectives: arranging how to aggregate enough cash for enormous buys and life occasions is the thing that the vast majority consider to be money related arranging. Significant motivations to amass resources incorporate, buying a house or vehicle, beginning a business, paying for instruction costs, and putting something aside for retirement. Accomplishing these objectives requires anticipating what they will cost, and when you have to pull back assets. A significant hazard to the family in accomplishing their amassing objective is the pace of cost increments after some time, or expansion. Utilizing net present worth mini-computers, the money related organizer will recommend an ombination of benefit reserving and standard reserve funds to be put resources into an assortment of ventures. So as to defeat the pace of expansion, the venture portfolio needs to get a higher pace of return, which ordinarily will expose the portfolio to various dangers. Dealing with these portfolio dangers is frequently cultivated utilizing resource distribution, which looks to enhance speculation hazard and opportunity. This benefit distribution will recommend a rate allotment to be put resources into stocks, securities, money and elective speculations. The allotment ought to likewise think about the ersonal hazard profile of each financial specialist, since chance mentalities fluctuate from individual to individual. Retirement arranging is the way toward seeing the amount it expenses to live at retirement, and thinking of an arrangement to disseminate advantages for meet any pay shortage. Techniques for retirement plan incorporate exploiting government permitted structures to oversee charge llaOlllty Including: Inalvlaual (IRA) structures, or boss supported retirement plans. Home arranging includes getting ready for the demeanor of ones resources in the afterlife. Ordinarily, there is a duty because of the state or national government at ones passing. Maintaining a strategic distance from these assessments implies that a greater amount of ones resources will be appropriated to ones beneficiaries. One can leave ones resources for family, companions or altruistic gatherings. Corporate finance[edit] Main article: Corporate money Corporate account is the zone of account managing the wellsprings of subsidizing and the capital structure of organizations and the moves that supervisors make to build the estimation of the firm to the investors, just as the instruments and examination used to allot monetary assets. In spite of the fact that it is on a fundamental level not the same as administrative money which contemplates the budgetary administration all things considered, instead of organizations solitary, the primary ideas in the investigation of corporate account are pertinent to the monetary issues of a wide range of firms. Corporate fund by and large includes adjusting danger and productivity, while endeavoring to augment an entitys riches and the estimation of its stock, and conventionally involves three essential zones of capital asset allotment. In the main, capital planning, the board must pick which ventures (assuming any) to attempt. The order of capital planning may utilize standard business valuation strategies or even stretch out to genuine choices valuation; see Financial displaying. The second, wellsprings of capital identifies with how these speculations are to be subsidized: venture capital can be given through various sources, for example, by investors, as value (secretly or by means of a first sale of stock), leasers, frequently as bonds, and the organizations tasks (income). Transient financing or working capital is for the most part given by banks broadening a credit extension. The harmony between these components frames the companys capital structure. The third, the profit strategy, expects the board to decide if any unappropriated benefit (abundance money) is to be held for future speculation/perational necessities, or rather to be dispersed to investors, and if so in what structure. Transient budgetary administration is regularly named working capital administration, and identifies with money , stock and indebted individuals the executives. Corporate account additionally incorporates inside its extension business valuation, stock contributing, or venture the executives. A venture is a securing of an advantage with the expectation that it will keep up or increment its incentive after some time. In venture the executives in picking a portfolio one needs to utilize money related examination to figure out what, how much and when to contribute. To do this, an organization must: Identify important destinations and imperatives: establishment or individual objectives, time skyline, hazard avoidance and duty contemplations; Identify the proper system: dynamic versus latent supporting methodology Measure the portfolio execution Financial administration covers with the budgetary capacity of the Accounting calling. Be that as it may, money related bookkeeping is the detailing of recorded monetary data, while budgetary administration is worried about the assignment of capital assets to expand an organizations incentive to the investors. Hnanclal rlsK the executives, a component 0T corporate Tlnance, Is tne practlce 0T reating and ensuring monetary incentive in a firm by utilizing money related instruments to oversee introduction to hazard, especially credit hazard and market chance. (Other hazard types incorporate Foreign trade, Shape, Volatility, Sector, liquidity, Inflation dangers, and so on. It centers around when and how to fence utilizing budgetary instruments; in this sense it covers with money related building. Like general hazard the executives, monetary hazard the board requires recognizing its sources, estimating it (see: Risk measure: Well realized hazard quantifies), and planning intends to address these, and can be subjective nd quantitative. In the financial area around the world, the Basel Accords are commonly received by universally dynamic banks for following, detailing and uncovering operational, credit and market dangers. Money related services[edit] Main article: Financial administrations A substance whose pay surpasses its use can loan or contribute the abundance pay. Despite the fact that then again, a substance whose salary is not as much as its use can raise capital by getting or selling value claims, diminishing its costs, or expanding its pay. The loan specialist can discover a borrower, a monetary ntermediary, for example, a bank, or purchase notes or securities in the security showcase. The moneylender gets premium, the borrower pays a higher enthusiasm than the bank gets, and the monetary middle person gains the distinction for orchestrating the advance. A bank agg

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cómo cambiar caso en Corte migratoria para otro estado

Cã ³mo cambiar caso en Corte migratoria para otro estado Los migrantes con una cita para presentarte en una Corte de Inmigraciã ³n ubicada en un lugar alejado al de su residencia routine pueden solicitar un cambio de Corte. Es lo que se conoce en inglã ©s como change of scene.  ¿Quà © puede pasar si un migrante no se presenta a su cita en una corte migratoria? Los migrantes que han recibido citaciã ³n para presentarse en una fecha y hora determinada en una Corte de Inmigraciã ³n durante su proceso de deportaciã ³n deben cumplir con esta obligaciã ³n. En caso de no hacerlo, lo ms plausible es que se dicte una orden de deportaciã ³n in absentia. En estos casos, si el migrante es posteriormente detenido ser deportado inmediatamente sin tener derecho a presentarse risk un juez. Adems, una vez deportado tendr un castigo adicional que le impide solicitar por un plazo de cinco aã ±os los perdones I-601 y/o I-212. 6 pasos para cambiar Corte migratoria an otra ms cercana al lugar de residencia Cuando un migrante desea cambiar la corte de inmigraciã ³n para otra ms conveniente teniendo en cuenta su lugar de domicilio genuine debe seguir los siguientes pasos: Cambio de corte, conocido en inglã ©s como Change of Venue Debe escribirse en inglã ©s una pgina de introducciã ³n a la que se debe main Respondentâ's Motion to Change Venue, es decir, tu peticiã ³n para cambiar la Corte. En esa pgina el migrante debe anotar su nombre completo,â el outsider enrollment number, el estatus migratorio, el nombre y el tipo de procedimiento, el nombre del juez asignado a tu caso, el dã ­a y la hora de la cita en la Corte. Esta informaciã ³n se encuentra en el documento llamado Notice to Appear (I-862), que es la carta en la que se cita al migrante para que se presente en corte. Adems, el migrante debe admitir o negar los loads que se presentan en su contra en dicha Notice to Appear y la lista de alivios que se piensan solicitar como, por ejemplo, el asilo, la cancelaciã ³n de la deportaciã ³n, la salida voluntaria, and so on. Asimismo, debe incluirse la nueva direcciã ³n y nã ºmero de telã ©fono y argumentar por quã © se solicita el cambio de corte, incluyendo documentos y evidencia que prueben que, efectivamente, el migrante tiene su domicilio en un lugar alejado al de la corte inicialmente designada. Cambio de direcciã ³n notificando el nuevo domicilio Se debe completar el formulario (forma) EOIR 33, donde se notifica a la Corte el cambio de direcciã ³n. Es el papel azul en la documentaciã ³n que se le ha entregado al migrante. En la actualidad existe un procedimiento diferente al que se ha mencionado (carta de change of scene y formulario EOIR 33, que es de shading azul-y que solo aplica a los menores cuya corte est fijada en Harlingen, Texas. En ese caso, deben completarse las planillas azul y pã ºrpura que se encuentran en el paquete que se le entrega a cada menor. Copias de los formularios Hacer dos copias de la carta de change of scene y de la planilla de cambio de direcciã ³n (la que es de shading azul). Envã ­o a la corte de inmigraciã ³n Enviar por correo certificado al juez de la corte de inmigraciã ³n para la que se recibiã ³ la citaciã ³n la carta unique y el formulario azul unique junto en un mismo paquete. Todos esos papeles tienen que ser recibidos por la corte al menos 15 dã ­as bets de la fecha de la citaciã ³n. Pero es muy recomendable enviarlos cuanto bets ocean posible. La razã ³n es que la Corte puede solicitar ms evidencias, y se tendrã ­an que enviar dentro de plazo. Notificaciã ³n al abogado del gobierno Enviar por correo certificado una copia de la carta de change of setting y de la planilla de cambio de direcciã ³n a la oficina del abogado que representa a los intereses del gobierno en el caso. La otra copia que se hizo de los documentos debe guardarla el migrante, asã ­ como el resguardo de haber enviado dicha documentaciã ³n por correo certificado. Verificaciã ³n de que la corte recibiã ³ los papeles Es obligaciã ³n del migrante presentarse en corte el dã ­a y a la hora de su citaciã ³n. Por lo tanto, debe llamar por telã ©fono a la Corte en la que originalmente se le citã ³ para verificar que recibieron la solicitud de cambio de corte.  ¿Quà © sucede despuã ©s de solicitar cambio de Corte? Pueden suceder dos cosas. En preliminary lugar, que la Corte acepte la peticiã ³n, y asã ­ lo notificar por escrito. En este caso te tienes que presentar a la nueva corte en el dã ­a y a la hora que te citen. En segundo lugar, puede suceder que la Corte niegue la peticiã ³n. En este caso, el migrante tiene la obligaciã ³n de presentarse el dã ­a de la cita en la corte unique, ya que no roughage cambio. Tips y recursos à ºtiles Los migrantes que se sienten cã ³modos en inglã ©s puedes escribir por sã ­ mismos la peticiã ³n para cambiar la corte. Se puede encontrar inspiraciã ³n enâ el Immigration Court Practice Manual. Pero ya que presentarse en corte y luchar contra una deportaciã ³n es un tema muy grave, todos los migrantes deben considerar contratar an un abogado de Inmigraciã ³n para que realice este trmite y su defensa en corte. Si es un gasto caro que no se puede permitir, es aconsejable consultar con una organizaciã ³n sin balance de lucro tipo Catholic Charities u otra. Finalmente, siempre es posible consultar informaciã ³n bsica sobre fechas y plazos en el caso de tener un asunto pendiente en corte migratoria. Para ello marcar al 1-800-898-7180. Tener a mano el nã ºmero del Alien Registration Number. Cambio de corte migratoria Todos los migrantes que reciben una notificaciã ³n para presentarse en una corte de inmigraciã ³n estn obligados a hacerlo en el lugar, dã ­a y hora indiciados. Esta obligaciã ³n aplica an adultos y a niã ±os. De no cumplirla, la corte dicta una orden de deportaciã ³n in absentia, es decir, sin que el migrante estã © presente.Los migrantes pueden solicitar un cambio de corte cuando tienen su domicilio en un lugar alejado de la ciudad en la que est ubicada la corte. Por ejemplo, cuando se les detuvo en un estado y residen en otro.Si despuã ©s de enviar la solicitud pidiendo el cambio de corte y notificando la nueva direcciã ³n el migrante no recibe confirmaciã ³n de que la corte ha aprobado el cambio de ubicaciã ³n, deber presentarse a la cita en el dã ­a, hora y lugar inicialmente previsto. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a lawful.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Happy Pi Day!!!

Happy Pi Day!!! 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 How many digits do you know? More to come later today about how MIT celebrates Pi Day. How do you celebrate Pi Day? Update (PI/2007 5:35 PM) So this year, the Undergraduate Math Association sponsored a Pi Day Celebration of sorts. This was the email I received advertising the event. This Wednesday, 3/14 at 5pm in room 2-102, the UMA is celebrating our favorite constant in style with the following events: Pie baking contest Pi recitation Pi history Pie eating contest Pi or not contest Theres also free pie for everyone! And, you can pick up a coveted UMA Pi Day T-shirt. See you there! Tonight, Eta Kappa Nu (a course 6 Honors Society) will be hosting an additional event. Q: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter? A: Pumpkin pi. Dont forget to celebrate Pi Day (3/14) TODAY! Stop by the Student Center 5th Floor lounge at 8pm for free punch and pie! HKN Social Committee A few pictures and videos from the event: And a video (Disclaimer: Its big) And since Im such a fan of Pi apparently, I made a few news appearances for Pi Day: Associated Press ABC News Ciao!

Friday, May 22, 2020

My Family And My Background Essay - 1511 Words

Researching my family and my background I have found that I have ancestors from several countries including Germany, Sweden, England, Ireland, and Scotland. They all came to America for a variety of reasons ranging from religious persecution, hope for a better life with better economic conditions, famine, family issues, and to colonize America. First off I had a lot of relatives come to Connecticut from England in the 17th century to form colonies that came for many reasons one of which was to escape the oppression of their mainland England was at the time. The First one to come over was my double 11th great-grandfather Andrew Warde, who lived from around 1597 to 1659. According to Andrew Warde and His Descendants by George K. Ward, he emigrated from England to Massachusetts around 1630. He was a pretty influential guy in Connecticut and even has a monument in Fairfield Cemetery in Connecticut erected in his honor. He had many relatives on my father’s side come from England t o start a colony in Connecticut including my 10th great-grandfather Stephen Goodyear, who lived from 1598 to 1648. According to the Genealogy of the Goodyear Family, he left England and went to America around 1637 aboard the Hector with others to begin a new colony in the New World. They did this because they heard there was a good safe place with good farming soil in Quinnipiac, present day New Haven Connecticut. They were also probably upset about taxation, conflict with Scotland, and religiousShow MoreRelatedMy Family And My Background Essay1665 Words   |  7 PagesResearching my family and my background, I have found that I have ancestors from several countries, including Germany, Sweden, England, Ireland, and Scotland. They all came to America for a variety of reasons ranging from religious persecution, hope for a better life with better economic conditions, famine, family issues, and to colonize America. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

A Brief Note On The Traumatic Stress Disorder - 1568 Words

Post- traumatic stress disorder often get looked over by doctors and people go untreated. With passing time the fear might go away, but what happen when the constant fear take over. That was the case for a student in a psychology class I was taking. The instructor was going over anxiety and a young man told the class about how when he was in the army. The car he and some of the other soldiers was driving, they were doing the daily drive they accidentally drove over a bomb that explode the front of the car. The explosion all most took off his leg, he had to have about two surgeries, and go through physical therapy to learn to walk again. Know that he was discharged from the army for about two years, he still cannot drive over a bump, whole, a patch in the road, and fell overwhelm when driving. He took longer routes that he feel are safe and that have little to no flaws in the road. All this time he went without any kind of treatments or testing to see if he even have post- traumatic s tress disorder. He did not even think that he might even have post- traumatic stress disorder. I feel like American society do not offer enough support to people suffering from post- traumatic stress disorder in the family is not ready, lack of treatments, and lack of information about how to find a cure for post-traumatic disorder or how it occurs. First of all post- traumatic stress disorder affect more than just a shoulder that been to war or been through a traumatic event. AShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1677 Words   |  7 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition caused by experiencing or seeing a terrifying event. It has been known to affect mostly war veterans but has also affected people who are not veterans. Rape victims and people who have suffered severe abuse have also been diagnosed with PTSD. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Saving the Rise of Childhood Obesity Kaplan University Free Essays

string(84) " with one another things could really come together and change will become of this\." Saving the Rise of Childhood Obesity Kristy Zamora Kaplan University College Composition II 02/12/2013 When people think of physical education in the school system, the first thing that comes to mind is children running and playing. To some, it may be perceived as a mere distraction to school as a whole, and others may think of it as a way for children to burn their energy down. Specifically in Milwaukee Public Schools physical education needs to be more than just a class in school; it needs to be known as a necessity for children and their health. We will write a custom essay sample on Saving the Rise of Childhood Obesity Kaplan University or any similar topic only for you Order Now Their health is important because of the need for the advancement in medicine, this epidemic needs to be stopped and the overall future of people. â€Å"Today one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese; nearly triple the rate in 1963. † (American Heart Association 2012) This is an outstanding statistic that can only be changed starting with the school system and physical education. Kids spend about â€Å"35 hours a week† at school making up most of their day and how time is spent. (MPS 2012) How they spend it in Physical Education class is what matters most in this issue concerning many Milwaukee County citizens. The purpose rather than main point of this is that there is an absolute need for change, not only for children in today’s society but the future as well. It is in the public’s best interest to have this issue changed, not overlooked. To do this, the Milwaukee Public School System needs to heighten its physical education program and give the children what they need most a healthier outlook on life. What really needs to be looked at is the fundamentals of physical education and how it can be a positive influence in children’s lives. It is not about how well the child can play the sport or how athletic one is over another. Let the children know that it is okay to not be the best at something and get the children moving. What is important is the physical activeness and keeping up a steady heart rate in order to achieve burned calories, and which is what the needs out of physical education. A physical education class only helps if the child is completely active within that whole time frame. Physical education teachers need to be more involved rather than just passing a child for showing up for class. Motivate the students to run and play hard to get them as active as possible. Even if the child isn’t the best at a sport the teachers shouldn’t let that be a cloud judgment on the child. It should be a system that pushes the child into wanting to exercise and have fun while doing it. There should be some training that physical educators take on how to be better with children who aren’t active and classes on how to get children more involved. It is clear that children are not getting enough physical activity â€Å"The real only physical activity some kids go through is in school, if that. † (David Ludwig, MD, PhD webmd 2012) Kids are no longer as active outside or even in extracurricular activities in school. The American Heart Association recommends at least sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. † (American Heart Association 2012) The evidence of lack of physical activity in our children is pretty simplistic and the thing people may over look when it comes to children being overweight or obese is high risk factor the child is in and the diseases they are at risk for. The diseases that are on the rise in our children today, which can be linked to obesity, include but are not limited to coronary artery disease, increase risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and juvenile diabetes. Statistics on obesity of adolescent’s in Milwaukee is 17. 7 percent, and in the whole state of Wisconsin the percentage is 11. 1. The numbers for children in Wisconsin are 16. 5 percent that are overweight and 14. 4 are obese. These children are at risk to developing serious medical conditions including physiological problems. The main and most commonly known disease is, Juvenile type two diabetes. This is caused from overweight and in-active children. Which can lead to heart disease and co-morbidities; â€Å"Children with type 2 diabetes also are at risk for the long-term complications of diabetes and the co-morbidities associated with insulin resistance (lipid abnormalities and hypertension). † (CDC 2011) Children are supposed to be safe, educated and cared for in schools. The national diabetes education program ensures that every student is made sure to succeed with their diabetes. (NDEP 2012) â€Å"NDEP’s Guide for School Personnel educates and informs school personnel about diabetes, how it is managed, and how each member of the school staff can help meet the eeds of students with the disease. †(NDEP 2012) Every obese and overweight child have a higher chance of getting type two diabetes. These children need to have preventable measures taken, so they don’t develop diabetes. Schools need to focus on health problems the same as any other type of disease or problem the child may have. Psychological pr oblems are also linked with obesity in children. Obese kids are more likely to have social and psychological problems, such as depression, which in turn makes them have poor self-image leading to bullying other kids, and even suicide. Emotional problems in obese kids is one of the most painful things to experience. Getting made fun of in school along with being alienated by other children causes these obese children to live a sedentary lifestyle. Meaning they feel out of place and withdrawn from everything, making their life growing up very hard. These high risk disease and emotional complications attributed to children being overweight and obese should motivate Milwaukee Public School System to change the way physical education is run. If parents would take the chance to speak with one another things could really come together and change will become of this. You read "Saving the Rise of Childhood Obesity Kaplan University" in category "Essay examples" Changing now is better than never and this change can be kept within the school system, changing the future. Children have a need to live as healthy as possible. Being overweight or obese, can be prevented by helping kids stay active, in turn changing their present and future health. â€Å"Looking at the long-term consequences, overweight adolescents have a 70 percent chance of becoming overweight or obese adults. † (Department Health Human Services 2011) These statistics are outrageous and it can be decreased dramatically if Milwaukee Public Schools heighten its physical education classes. If physical education can change, the result will carry through all of the aspects of a child’s life. Obesity and disease statistics will be brought down as well as health rates going up for children. There has to be a way out of this problematic situation, but everyone has to help. With Wisconsin being one of the top â€Å"Fattest† states, the changes start here with Milwaukee Public School System; with the hopes of helping other school systems around Wisconsin. There is a chance that other schools systems see Milwaukee Public Schools changing and making this effort to change children’s lives, then they will want to do it as well. This will change the high statistics of overweight, obesity, and diseases in juveniles linked to childhood obesity in Wisconsin. The future depends on children and if the population of overweight and obese children stay at the rate they’re going, it will only increase/ These children are the future and physical education needs to be changed in hopes of making their lives better. A difference made now is a difference forever and these new terms of physical education can be passed on for years and years to come. The best way this can be established is within the schools. This solution can change overweight and obesity statistics of children, so they can live a healthier life, in turn making our future better in many ways. When people think of Physical Education in the school system the first thing that comes to mind is children running and playing. To some it may be perceived as a mere distraction to school as a whole, and others may think of it as a way for children to burn their energy down. The thing about Physical Education is that it needs to be more than just a class in school; it needs to be known as a necessity for children and their health. Today one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese; nearly triple the rate in 1963. † (American Heart Association 2012) This is an outstanding statistic that can only be changed starting with the school system and physical education. Kids spend about 35 hours a week at school making up most of their day and how time is spent. How they spend it in Physical Education class is what matte rs most in this issue concerning many Milwaukee County citizens. The main point of this is that there is an absolute need for change not only for children in today’s society but the future as well. A way that this can be changed and not over looked, is in the public’s best interest, Milwaukee Public School System needs to heighten its physical education program and give the children what they need most out of this, which is a healthier outlook on life. What really needs to be looked at is the fundamentals of physical education and how it can be a positive influence in children’s lives. It is not about how good the child can play the sport or how athletic one is over the other. Let the children know that it is okay to not be the best at something and get the children moving. It is more of the physical activeness and keeping up a steady heart rate in order to achieve calories being burned and the child getting what he or she needs out of physical education. A physical education class would only help if the child is completely active within that whole time frame. Physical education teachers need to be more involved rather than just passing a child for showing up for class. Motivate the students to run and play hard getting them as active as possible. Even if the child isn’t the best at a sport the teachers shouldn’t let that be a cloud judgment on that child. It should be more of a system that pushes the child into wanting to exercise and have fun while doing it. There could be some training that physical educators take in how to be better with children who aren’t active and even classes on how to get children more involved. The evidence of lack of physical activity in our children is pretty simplistic. â€Å"The real only physical activity some kids go through is in school, if that. † (David Ludwig, MD, PhD webmd 2012) The thing people may over look when it comes to children being overweight or obese is the disease and high risk factor the child is in. The diseases that are on the rise in our children today, which can be linked to obesity, include but are not limited to coronary artery disease, increase risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and juvenile diabetes. â€Å"Psychological effects also affect children such as depression, low self-esteem and negative body image. † (PubMd 2011) Kids are no longer as active outside or even in extracurricular activities in school. The link with not having physical activity in children’s lives doesn’t only affect their weight but also increases the disease aspect of their lives. The American Heart Association recommends at least sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. † (American Heart Association 2012) If this problem can be taken care of earlier in the child’s life there would be no need for medication or high risk diets. These diseases and problems having to deal with overweightness and obesity should be a deterrent for Milwaukee P ublic School System and the way physical education is ran. This should want to make a change and instill this within the school system. Changing now is better than never and this change can be kept within the school system then changing the future. If this can change a lot can and will change. These statistics will be brought down as well as health rates going up for children. There has to be a way out of this rut and everyone as a whole can help. Wisconsin being one of the top â€Å"Fattest† states and growing, the changes can start here with Milwaukee Public School System; with the hopes of helping other school systems around Wisconsin. It can be a domino effect if other schools systems see Milwaukee Public School System changing and making this effort to change children’s lives then others will want to do it as well. This will definitely change the overall statistics of this state. Change can only make the people stand up and want to make a difference in children’s lives, and these children are the future and this needs to be changed in hopes of making life better for them. The future of our kids becoming healthier and developing more physical activeness is something that needs to change. A difference made now is a difference forever and these new terms of Physical Education can be passed on for years and years to come. The best way this can be established is within the schools. Hopefully this problem solver can change these high statistics of kids becoming overweight or obese so they can live a healthy life in turn making our future better in many ways. Office of the Mayor 200 E. Wells Street City Hall Rm. 201 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Mayor Tom Barrett, As a citizen of the state of Wisconsin there is a big concern as far as the numbers in obesity rising among children. Currently in Milwaukee, there can be better efforts in school systems as well as educating the public on the importance of keep their children at a good and healthy weight. By keeping the public more informed on ways ‘How to’, so to speak, keep their children healthy and active we could change these statistics of Wisconsin. In Wisconsin alone, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, 29% of children ages 2 through 4 in the state are overweight or obese. One in four Wisconsin high school students are considered overweight. The obese rates children ages two to four is 13. % and the overweight is 16. 1% SFTA (2012) An idea that should be put in place is the absolute need for children to stay active. We need to change how schools teach physical education. â€Å"The American Heart Association recommends at least sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. † (American Heart Association 2012) We need to get our future physically ac tive. We can make change for them along with our future generations. I know that budget cuts are put in place especially for school funding but why cut out physical education? It is a necessity for children to stay fit and active because they have a lesser chance of developing life threatening diseases such as heart disease or diabetes. Lastly, what needs to be done is thoroughly educating parents on healthier eating habits, not using the television as a mere â€Å"babysitter†, getting active with their children and cutting back on sugary foods. There are studies that show, children from the ages nine to sixteen, sugar makes up about thirteen percent of their diet, when the factual amount of sugar in a child’s diet should only be about ten percent. American Heart Association; Overweight Children 2012) Also educating them on what high risk diseases come from being overweight. There are many ways to improve our children’s eating habits as well as getting more physical activity throughout the day. The only way this change can occur is the willingness of parents, school systems and society. Please take this into consideration and help out our community. Respectfully, Kristy Zamora Reflection Piece What I learned about myself as a writer is that my ideas seem great but to actually get them down on paper and stringing them together is a lot harder than it seems. Myself as a thinker is that my ideas are sort of jumpy and sporadic. I try and think of ways to be a better thinker and not just throw a bunch of ideas together. What I learned about the writing process is that it takes more than one draft and even more than one outline. In order to achieve and write a great paper it really does take a lot of practice. It is hard to put ideas together and be clearer of what I’m trying to say in my papers. The skills I attained from College Composition II are writing better in APA format and making an outline for every paper. APA format will help me because I will be attending college for three more years and that is what my papers will have to be in. Outlines I will use the rest of my college career because that is the beginning and start of every paper I will write. What I learned from my peers is that everyone is different, in learning styles and techniques to writing papers. What works for one may not work for another. I sort of fused together a couple people’s ideas with writing an outline and getting the paper together and it seems to work for me. My instructor had the most valuable feedback. My classmates didn’t really have much to say about my style of writing and also didn’t have much to say about revising and editing my paper. They gave me feedback on my pamphlet but the only thing they talked about was color in it. Some said keep the colors and some said keep the colors the same. So I had mixed reviews on that part. My instructor had a good way of explaining that my paper needed a lot of work. Not only by editing the grammatical errors, comma splice, sentence fragments and correcting paragraphs that didn’t make sense. I tried my hardest to fix may paper and get the point across of my big idea. References Alliance for a Healthier Generation: Combating Childhood Obesity by creating Healthy Schools, empowering youth leaders, healthcare, healthier school food and beverages. † Alliance for a Healthier Generation: Combating Childhood Obesity by creating Healthy Schools, empowering youth leaders, healthcare, healthier school food and beverages. N. p. , n. d. Web. 28 Dec. 2012 Discipline. † Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishers. Leading innovation and advancement in science, technology and medicine. † Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishers Leading innovation and advancement in science, technology and medicine. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6 Jan. 2013 http://www. iebertpub. com/overview/childhood-obesity/384/. â€Å"Childhood Obesity Awareness Month | Healthier Kids†¦ Brighter Futures!. † Childhood Obesity Awareness Month | Healthier Kids†¦ Brighter Futures!. N. p. , n. d. Web. 27 Dec. 2012. http://www. healthierkidsbrighterfutures. org Green, G. (2012). PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND CHILDHOOD OBESITY: STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONS FOR SCHOOLS AND PARENTS. Education, 132(4), 915. â€Å"Journal of dietetics’ childhood Obesity† N. p. , n. d. Web. 3 Jan. 2013. ;http://online. liebertpub. com/doi/abs/10. 1089/chi. 2012. 0004? journalCode=chi;. â€Å"Obesity and Overweight for Professionals: Childhood – DNPAO â⠂¬â€œ CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. N. p. , n. d. Web. 1 Jan. 2013. http://www. cdc. gov/obesity/childhood/ â€Å"Obesity and Overweight for Professionals: State Programs: Funded: Wisconsin – DNPAO – CDC. † Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. N. p. , n. d. Web. 1 Feb. 2013. http://www. cdc. gov/obesity/stateprograms â€Å"Physical Education. † Overweight and Obese. N. p. , n. d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. www. milwaukee. k12. wi. us. â€Å"Obesity in Children: MedlinePlus. † National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 Dec. 2012. http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/obesityinc How to cite Saving the Rise of Childhood Obesity Kaplan University, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

SWOT analysis for cold stone creamery

Introduction Cold stone creamery is a company in the United States that specializes in ice cream. The company is located in Arizona and owned by Kahala Franchising (Duff, 2006). The major product sold by Cold Stone is ice cream. However, the company has a diverse menu and therefore, they sell other ice cream related products such as yoghurt and ice-cream cakes (Duff, 2006). This article discusses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and the threats that face the company.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on SWOT analysis for cold stone creamery specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Strengths Cold stone creamery ensures profitability by the location strategy. The company subsidiaries are mainly located in malls, in areas with high population and near movie theaters. The idea of strategic location ensures that the company is highly profitable (Cold Stone, 2008). The other strength of the company is in the market tar get. Compared to some of its competitors, Cold Stone Creamery provides an array of products, which enhance the customer experience. The experience enables the company to attract many customers thus have higher sales. In addition to this, Cold Stone uses technology to advertise its products. All the press release on the company is available in the company’s website. Therefore, accessing the company is easer due to the arched information. Moreover, the Cold Stone Creamery has an interactive website. Consumers can use this website to create interactive accounts where the consumers can get on different aspects of the company. Weaknesses The company has some weaknesses that slow down the profit making process. One of the weaknesses is the fact that the company has very high prices. Due to these high prices, some consumers are repelled. Another weakness associated with the company is the specification and service offer (Cold Stone, 2008). Each of the products offered by Cold Stone is made specifically to meet the tastes and preferences of the customer. This may sometimes lead to longer queues and complaints from customers about the services. Moreover, the company offers products that most consumers consider luxurious. Therefore, the probability of expanding in the future is limited due to the saturation of similar products in the market. Cold Stone is also dependent on franchising (Cold Stone, 2008). However, franchising training takes a long time and may discourage potential investors. Opportunities Cold Stone Creamery has various opportunities in the market. The prospect of expanding business in Tampa bay provides an exciting opportunity to the company. This may enable Cold Stone Creamery to increase their market share and maybe their profits. Another opportunity lies in the business on its own accord.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The compan y has the opportunity of being innovative and increase the number of flavors and the nutritional value of their products (Cold Stone, 2008). The American population considers the nutritional content in products before purchasing them. In addition to this, the company has the opportunity of expanding its market share through opening new stores in different areas of the country. Threats A number of elements are threatening the company’s survival. Recession affected the United States economy. This led to companies going bankrupt. Moreover, the economy affected Cold Stone creamery and therefore, threatened any further development of the company. Another threat facing the company is that people consider ice cream as an unhealthy food. Therefore, most of the people avoid ice cream and opt for a more healthy choice of food. This has led to a drop in the overall sales of ice cream. Another threat is in the competition. Cold Stone has a number of competitors who are trying all to clai m a portion of the market (Cold Stone, 2008). This represents a threat to the company’s survival. References Duff, M. (2006). Target, Cold Stone Creamery sign in-store deal. Web. Cold Stone (2008). Marketing Plan. Web. This case study on SWOT analysis for cold stone creamery was written and submitted by user Annihilus to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.